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???????????????????????????????? ????????? 紅鼻子魯道夫的故事 .tw/rudolph/1.htm 背景:聖誕老公公的家鄉,一堆彩帶及氣球 景1:家中 道具:沙發、小桌子、大筆、大信、仙杖 配樂1: 角色:Santa Claus and Johnny, Fairy 小仙女:Hello! Good morning! Christmas is coming, and I want to tell you a story about a little red-nosed reindeer, Rudolph. (聖誕節快來囉!我想要說一個紅鼻子馴鹿,魯道夫的故事給大家聽。)It’s possible for you not to know his name, but it’s impossible for you not to know this song! (你可能沒聽過他的名字,但是你一定聽過這首歌!) 配樂2:Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer 小仙女:Does it sound familiar to you? (聽起來是不是很熟悉呀?)Now, let’s see what would happen to Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer!(現在,讓我們就來看看紅鼻子魯道夫會發生什麼事吧!) 配樂3: 小仙女: It’s little Johnny’s room.(這裡是小強尼的房間。)(強尼走進來) Let’s see what he is doing.(讓我們來看看他在做什麼?) (強尼坐下,寫信) Oh, he’s writing a letter to dearest Santa Claus! (喔!原來他在寫信給聖誕老公公呢!)(強尼下台,聖誕老人上台,手上拿著信,坐下來讀信) 小仙女:Here goes the letter: (哇!聖誕老公公收到信了!讓我們來聽聽強尼寫了些什麼!) Johnny: Dearest Santa(親愛的聖誕老公公): I told everyone in my class that you are real, but they all laugh at me!!(我告訴我們班的人說,世界上真的有聖誕老公公,可是他們都嘲笑我!) They never listen to me or play with me (他們從來都不聽我說話也不和我玩)because I have a huge and ugly nose on my face!(因為我的鼻子長的又大又醜!)Please give me a beautiful face at Christmas(請在聖誕節那天給我一張漂亮的臉), so that I can prove that I am right about you, thanks (這樣子我就可以證明你是真的了!謝謝!)~! Sincerely yours, Johnny (你真摯的朋友 強尼敬上) (聖誕老人面對觀眾搖搖頭,嘆口氣,說:) Santa: “Poor Johnny! (可憐的強尼!) (聖誕搖搖頭) Christmas is coming, (聖誕節快到了)but he is not happy! (可是他卻一點都不快樂!) (聖誕站起來) I must help him! (我一定要幫助他!)I must give him the present he needs ! (我一定要送他他想要的禮物)Hohoho, I have a very good idea! !” (我想到一個很棒的點子了!Hohoho)(聖誕邊笑邊下台) 小仙女:My little friend, what’s Santa Claus’ idea? (親愛的小朋友,聖誕老人想到的點子是什麼呢?) Do you know? (你知道嗎?)Hmmm, I don’t know it myself, (嗯!我也不知道耶!)Let’s wait and see! (讓我們繼續看下去吧!) 配樂4:   景2: 教室 道具:椅子、書包、鹿角、馴鹿國小招牌 配樂5: 13. 角色:Rudolph, Prancer, Dasher, Blitzen, Teacher 小仙女:In Santa Claus’ hometown, there is a reindeer school. (在聖誕老公公的家鄉,有一個馴鹿國小)(仙子帶著國小招牌) Rudolph is studying here, and very very very unhappy. (我們的主角,魯道夫,就在這上學,可是他卻非常


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