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1 00:01:08,650 -- 00:01:11,480 钱 钱 钱 嘿! Money, money, money! Hey! 2 00:01:17,770 -- 00:01:22,260 - 独眼巴特 正义与你有个约会 - 太糟啦 长官 - You got a date with justice, One-Eyed Bart. - Too bad, Sheriff. 3 00:01:22,270 -- 00:01:24,550 我已经结婚了 Im a married man. 4 00:01:25,680 -- 00:01:27,790 独眼贝蒂! One-Eyed Betty! 5 00:01:42,470 -- 00:01:44,690 我想你好像掉下了什么东西 先生 I think you dropped something, Mister. 6 00:01:44,690 -- 00:01:48,090 - 洁西? - 投降吧 巴特 你已经无路可逃了 - Jessie? - Give it up, Bart. Youve reached the end of the line. 7 00:01:48,090 -- 00:01:51,280 我一直希望以爆炸作为结局 I always wanted to go out with a bang. 8 00:02:00,460 -- 00:02:02,630 - 哦 不要! - 孤儿们! - Oh no! - The orphans! 9 00:02:03,460 -- 00:02:06,870 还想陪你们玩会的 但我们的专车到了 Hate to leave early, but our ride is here. 10 00:02:11,260 -- 00:02:14,760 追我还是救孩子 长官 你自己选吧 Its me or the kiddies, Sheriff. Take your pick. 11 00:02:17,840 -- 00:02:20,720 跑出风驰电掣的感觉吧 红心! Ride like the wind, Bulls-eye! 12 00:02:25,580 -- 00:02:29,210 抓紧了 Hold em steady. 13 00:02:32,480 -- 00:02:35,110 伍迪 快点! Woody, hurry! 14 00:02:54,740 -- 00:02:57,050 不... No... 15 00:03:04,870 -- 00:03:09,900 - 真高兴我接住了火车 - 现在我们去抓罪犯吧 - Glad I can catch the train. - Now lets catch some criminals. 16 00:03:09,900 -- 00:03:12,910 飞向宇宙 浩瀚无垠 To infinity and beyond. 17 00:03:28,250 -- 00:03:32,020 - 举起双手 - 你抓不到我的 长官 - Reach for the sky. - You cant touch me, Sheriff. 18 00:03:32,020 -- 00:03:35,610 我的战犬可是内建磁力场的 I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field. 19 00:03:42,970 -- 00:03:47,290 好啊 我也带来了专吃磁力场狗狗的抱抱龙 Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force fields dogs. 20 00:04:06,490 -- 00:04:08,790 邪恶的猪排博士 Evil Doctor Pork Chop. 21 00:04:10,520 -- 00:04:13,800 这是邪恶的猪排博士送给你们的礼物 Thats Mr. Evil Doctor Pork Chop to you. 22 00:04:55,490 -- 00:04:58,780 巴斯 用你的激光枪射我的徽章 伍迪 不行 我会把你射死的 Buzz, shoot your laser on my badge. Woody, no, Ill kill you. 23 00:04:58,780 -- 00:05:01,130 你只管射就是了 Just do it. 24 00:05:03,520 -- 00:05:06,920 你得去坐牢了 巴特 啊 小心! Youre going to jail, Bart. Ah, watch out! 25 00:05:


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