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age 1 /e?d?,ed?/ n. S1 W1 age 1.年龄;存在时间?Francis is the same age as me. 弗朗西斯和我同年岁。 ?at my/your etc age (=when you are as old as me etc)在我/你等这个年纪?At my age, it’s quite difficult getting up the stairs. 到我这年纪,上楼梯就很费劲了。 over/under the age of 5/18 etc?people over the age of 65 65岁以上的人 for his/her etc age (=compared with other people of the same age)对于他/她等这个年纪来说 ?She’s tall for her age, isn’t she? 以她的年龄来说,她算高的,是不是? 2.法定年龄?What’s the minimum age for getting a driver’s license? 取得驾驶执照的最小年龄是多少? 3.period of life 人生中的阶段 年龄段 ? When you get to old age, everything seems to take longer. 人到老年,好像做什么事都慢。 ?The early teens are often a difficult age. 十三四岁往往是个麻烦的年龄。 4.年老;陈旧 with age?High blood pressure increases with age. 随着年龄增长,高血压会更厉害。 ?Some of the furniture was?showing?signs of?age?. 有些家具已显陈旧。 5. 历史阶段[C usually singular,一般用单数]?时代,世代 In everyday English, people usually use the expression how old …? rather than using the noun age 在日常英语中,人们一般用短语how old …?而不用名词age →New Age →new age 1.adjectives/noun 形容词/名词 + age old age(=the time when you are old) 老年 ?the problems of old age 老年的问题 middle age(=between about 40 and 60) 中年?He was in late middle age. 他年近60。 a great/advanced age(=a very old age) 高龄,高寿?My aunt died at a great age. 我姨妈活到高龄才去世。 a difficult/awkward age(=used mainly about the time when people are teenagers) 麻烦的年龄〔主要指青少年时期〕 retirement age 退休年龄 school age 学龄 school-leaving age 【英】毕业年龄 the legal age 法定年龄 the minimum age 最小年龄 the voting age 投票年龄 the marrying age 结婚年龄 2.from an early/young age 从很小的时候?She’d been playing the piano from a very early age. 她自幼就弹钢琴。 at an early/young age 在很小的时候?Kids can start learning a second language at a young age. 孩子很小就可以开始学习第二语言。 sb (of) your own age 和你同年的人?He needs to find people his own age. 他需要去找同龄人。 of childbearing age(=at the age when a woman can have children) 〔女性〕育龄的 of working age 处于工作年龄的 the age of consent(=when you are legally allowed to marry or have sex) 法定结婚年龄,〔可发生性关系的〕合法年龄 3.age + noun 名词an age group/bracket/range 年龄段 ?Men in the 50–65 age


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