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设计伦理视角下的“以人为本”和“绿色设计” 顾群业 http://www.GuQ 2、绿色设计的潜在风险 Potential Risk of Green Design 第二部分 “绿色”的设计原则 The “Green” Principle of Design 潜在风险 Potential Risk 概念化的“绿色设计”存在这样一种危险:即绿色设计仅仅成为人类欲望无限扩展的一种阶段性“缓冲”,揭开“绿色设计”的面纱,暴露出来的仍然是人类赤裸裸的贪婪。在拜物主义甚嚣尘上的今天,只要人类在地球上生存,就会不断开发能源来制造垃圾,怎么可能会实现“绿色设计”呢? Conceptualization of “Green Design” has one danger: green design just becomes a stage buffer for human’s endless desire. Under the veil of “Green Design” is barely human’s greed. As long as the materialism are so popular and human’s living on the earth, garbage will be produced through energy consumption. How could we perform the idea of “Green Design” ? 设计出既能够满足人们的需求又丝毫不对生态环境造成危害的产品,仅仅是一个乌托邦式的理想。一个不容忽视的事实是,人们在热衷于“绿色设计”的同时,为实现“绿色”而付出了更高的技术成本和能源消耗。在某程度上,对绿色设计的盲目狂热还可能得不偿失。 It is a Utopia ideal to design a product which could simultaneously satisfy the demand of human and do no harm to the eco-environment. What we should pay attention to is that human has been trying to realize “Green” at a higher cost of technology and energy. To a certain degree, blind enthusiasm towards greed design is rarely worth the effort. 第二部分 “绿色”的设计原则 The “Green” Principle of Design 例证   比如现在所倡导的绿色能源——太阳能,在表面看来没有直接对生态环境产生危害,但太阳能相关技术的开发,设备的生产制造过程,甚至太阳能系统的配套产品都会产生污染。例如废弃的太阳能蓄电池,如果处理不当,对环境所造成的污染,其治理难度更大。只是由于现在太阳能仍然属于昂贵的能源而尚未普及,加之太阳能蓄电池的使用寿命较长,很多问题还没有得到集中显现。 Example: like the popular green energy – solar energy, it appears harmless to eco-environment, but pollution appears in the process of development of related technology, of equipment production and even the supported product. For example, the deserted solar energy storage battery, if not disposed properly, may cause pollution and maybe harder to deal with. Right now, the solar energy is still not popular for its high cost and also the storage battery has a long life-span, due to this, many other problems did not appear. 太阳能产品 研发过程 设备生产 配套产品 消费终端 污染 Solar Energy Product Development Equipment Production Supported Product Consumers Pollution 第二部分 “绿色”的设计


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