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PAGE 39 外研版六年级上册英语 教 学 设 计 2019年8月 Module1 Unit1 How Long is the Great Wall?   【教材分析】   本单元是外研英语(一起)六年级上册第一模块的第一单元。通过大明和其堂兄弟的对话介绍了长城的长度和年龄,引出了句型How long is the Great Wall? It‘s forty thousand li long. How old is the Great Wall? It’s more than two thousand years old.通过对本单元的学习,让学生可以用新的知识点来进行简单的对话并描述不同的事物或地点,并通过对国家名胜古迹的了解来增强他们的民族自豪感。   【教学目标】   [知识目标]   1、学习新单词:thousand, kilometre, might, million, place, building;   2、掌握新句型并知道该如何正确地使用:How long is the Great Wall? It‘s forty thousand li long. How old is the Great Wall? It’s more than two thousand years old.   [能力目标]   让学生可以用新的知识点来进行简单的对话并描述不同的事物或地点。   [情感目标]   激发学生关于本课的学习兴趣,并通过对国家名胜古迹的了解来增强他们的民族自豪感。   【教学重点】   1、词汇:thousand, kilometre, might, million, place, building   2、句型:How long/old...?   It‘s...   Tell me more about...   【教学难点】   Kilometres, metres, li等长度单位的使用以及数字的辨读。 【教师准备】   Tape recorder, Multimedia   【教学过程】   Step1. Warm- up   1. Free talk   T: Hi. My class, did you have a good holiday?   What did you do in your holiday?   2. Lead-in   T: Where did you go?   Can you tell me some about...?   Oh, it’s great! Our old friend Daming also had a good holiday, do you want to know what Daming did in his summer holiday? Let‘s begin our class and see what Daming did in his holiday. Step2. Preview   1. Listen to the tape, and let students read the song together.   2. Show some pictures of the Great Wall, and introduce it.   3. Let the students talk about the Great Wall or other places of interests.   Step3. Presentation   1、带着问题听课文:   T: Now, let’s listen to the text and I want some students can tell me some about Daming‘s holiday, OK?   T: OK, does anyone can tell me what Daming did in his holiday? And what they said about?   (叫一些学生来回答)   T: You are so good! Let’s listen again and read it together, OK?   2、朗读课文并解释知识点:   老师一句接一句地带领全班同学进行朗读,并在朗读的时候适时地通过板书或者幻灯片来讲授知识点。 知识点展示:   -How long... 多长   -It‘s...   More than 超过   Twenty thousand 两万   Kilometre 千米,公里   -How old... 多大/多久   -It’s...   最后,叫一些学生来朗读课文并确保全体学生理解课文的大致含义。


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