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* * T. S. Eliot: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” a typical example of modernism. The poem is noted for its irony, and the allusions to classical literature. He used the technique of the stream of consciousness. * * 1.2 James Joyce (1882-1941): An Irish born novelist, known for the technique of the stream of consciousness. His main works: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916): a semi-autobiographical novel; Ulysses (1922) * * 2. Angry Young Men A phrase loosely applied to a number of British playwrights and novelists from the mid-1950s,whose political views were radical or anarchic, and who described various forms of social alienation. It is sometimes said to derive from the title of a work by the Irish writer Leslie Paul, Angry Young Man (1951). John Osborne: Look Back in Anger (1956); * * 3. The Theatre of the Absurd: A term applied to a group a dramatists who were active in the 1950’s. In the plays the dramatists express that life has no pattern of meaning or ultimate significance and that no activity is more or less valuable than another. Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot (1952) * * 4 * * Tuesday, May 28, 2002 * * William Blake: “The Tyger” the symbolic meaning of the tiger and the maker of the tiger Rhythm: anvil music (打铁似的乐调) Questions : 1. How does Blake make us see the tiger as beautiful and terrifying at the same time? 2.??How does Blake make us imagine the process of creation? * * Chapter Ⅷ The Age of Romanticism 1798-1832 * * By the close of the eighteenth century, the world had witnessed several major political 1. the American and French revolutions, 2.exceptional social upheavals, 3. prominent changes in philosophical thought. 1. Historical background * * A Review of British Literature French Revolution: The time spirit described by Charles Dickens: ( A Tale of Two Cities) * * It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was
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