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PAGE 1 大学英语综合复习资料 翻译: He wants to go shopping for headphones for his portable CD player. 他想为他的CD播放机配一个耳麦 Why would an animal want to cooperate with a human? 动物为什么要与人合作呢? The soft handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul. 柔和的笔记反映一个深思熟虑的心灵。 He is survived by his wife, Helen, a good woman of no particular skills. 他的遗孀,海伦,是一个没有什么特殊能力的女人。 Lying on the sofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task. 躺在沙发上,我终将面对这不受欢迎的任务。 I hated the assignments to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs. 我讨厌写那些又长又无生命力的段落。 “Is your car available?” I asked the taxi driver. 我问出租车司机: “你的车有空吗?” Producer of TV science programs should realize that they have a responsibility to educate the public. 电视科学节目制片人应该意识到他们有责任教育公众。 We were getting close to our destination, so I skipped to the last paragraph. 我们离终点越来越近了,于是我跳过了最后一段。 In the past, without modern medicine, childbirth was highly risky for women. 在过去,没有现代医学,女人分娩是高度危险的。 Those who dare not answer question in a traditional classroom can easily enjoy the benefits of online courses. 那些不敢回答问题的人在传统的教室可以轻松享受在线课程的好处。 If the bike appeals to you that much, why not buy it? You just got paid yesterday. 既然你这么喜欢这辆自行车,为什么不买下呢?你昨天刚发了工资。 He translated books not only form English, but also, on occasion, form French. 他不仅翻译英语书,而且还翻译法语书。 He relaxed himself by listening to his favorite song before he addressed the meeting. 他在结束会议之前通过听他最喜欢的歌曲来放松自己 When they found out his identity, they threatened to kill him if he did not respond to their demands. 当他们发现他的身份后,威胁要杀了他,如果他没有响应他们的要求。 They stressed the need for more employment opportunities and better health care. 他们强调需要更多的就业机会和更好的医疗保健。 You know, continuous exposure to sunlight is harmful to the skin. 你知道,长时间的暴露在阳光下对皮肤有害。 We were beginning to worry. It was unusual for David to be so late. 我们开始担心了,David很少迟到这么久。 People know that babies cry by instinct when they are hungry. 人们知道,婴儿饿了会哭是出于本能。 The children will now play some pieces of music that they composed themselves. 孩子们将演奏一些由他们自己创作的音乐。 The true nature of a heart is seen in its res


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