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Chapter7 Post-war American Literature (1945---) 师范四班 胡慧芳04 薛小霞07 李丹玲09李芙蓉19 钟丹35 廖洁37 Background Great Events Great Movements Great Events Cold War:Marshall Plan and Trumanism (1947) 1948 the besieging of Berlin 1950 the Korean War 1961 the construction of the Berlin wall 1962 the Cuban missile crisis 1970 the Vietnam war 1974 the resignation of President Richard Nixon Great Movements Anti-war protests The Civil Rights movement:martin luther king Hippies counter culture movement Womens liberation movement Literatures About the war: The Naked and the Dead《裸者与死 者》 -------- Norman Mailers 诺曼·梅勒 : Catch-22《第二十二条军规》 -------- Joseph hellers Gravity Rainbow《万有引力之虹》 ----------Thomas Pynchon s Black Humor(黑色幽默) 黑色幽默文学是兴起于20世纪60年代的美国小说流派。 1965年,美国作家弗里德曼编辑了一本短篇小说集,收入12位作家的作品,取名《黑色幽默》,该派名称由此而来。 该派的代表作家主要有: 美国作家海勒(1923~ )、冯内古特(1922~ )、品钦(1937~ )、巴塞尔姆(1931~ )等。 法国作家维昂(1920~1959)也被认为是黑色幽默小说家。 “黑色幽默”名称的来源和含义 黑色幽默又称“绞架下的幽默”,据说源于一个美国民间笑话 。 黑色幽默又叫黑色喜剧,是一种荒诞的、变态的、病态的幽默,由于它对当代社会常常采取不相容的态度,因此又叫病态幽默。 黑色幽默文学是指60年代一些美国严肃作家看到不安宁的社会中种种罪恶现象,觉得社会难以改变,怀着痛苦、恼怒和绝望的心情,对世情万物、一切痛苦和罪恶采取玩世不恭的态度,遂形成黑色幽默的风格。 Catch-22,the way in which officials control the pepple,demands tha t anyone who is insane must be excused from fiying missions. However,one must first ask to be excused. But,anyone who does is soshowing“rational fear in the face of clear and present danger”and therefore is sane, and must fly the mission. The Adventures of Augie March 《奥吉·玛琪历险记》 -------- Saul Bellow 索尔·贝娄 Seize the Day《只争朝夕 》 ---------- Saul Bellow The Cather in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》 -----------J.D. Salinger 塞林格 Literature in New York The Beat Generation(垮掉的一代) The numbers of the beat generation were new bohemian libertines , who engaged in a spontaneous , sometimes messy creativity. The writers produced a baby of written work controversia


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