传统建筑材料在现代建筑创作中的运用——以木 砖 石为例.docx

传统建筑材料在现代建筑创作中的运用——以木 砖 石为例.docx

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Application Application of Traditional Materials in Modern Architecture Creation 一一wood,brick and stone as examples ABSTRACT Abstract:Starting from the current status of wood,brick and stone,this thesis points out that the building material is a significant embodiment of architecture culture,The formation of architecture culture is consisting of culture characteristics of architecture and aesthetic sentiment of one nation. As one part of architecture,architecture material not only meets the requirements of the function of building but also symbols architecture style and culture.The deeper meaning of visual art language is to express human emotion,and the symbol of various language forms is contributed to a carrier -material.There’re two phrases which perfectly describe the employment of building material in ancient Chinese architecture,that is, perfect integration of brick and tile and the alignment between wood and stone. It is worth thinking about how to employ the characteristics of traditional material in modern architecture.The author attempts to start from the expressive force of traditional building materials----wood,brick and stone。explore their potential in modern architecture and discuss the innovation of traditional building material in modern architecture design, which make modern Chinese architecture to be more multi-developed, individuaI and human. Key words:traditional building material,material characteristics,carrier, innovative employment 插图目录图1.1浮雕 插图目录 图1.1浮雕 4 图1.2透雕窗 4 图1.3广州的西汉南岳王墓博物馆 5 图1.4西塔里埃森1. “6 图1.5西塔里埃森2 6 图1-6芬兰森林博物馆 7 图2.1天然木材 11 图2.2砖头 11 图2.3天然石材 13 图2.4人造石材 13 图2.5重庆沙坪坝的磁器口 14 图2-6河北省并泾县石头村 14 图2-7巨石阵 15 图2-8金字塔 15 图2-9古罗马拱券 16 图2.10凯旋门 16 图2-11河北赵县安济桥 17 图2.12祈年殿内景 18 图2.13流水别墅l 20 图2.14流水别墅2 20 图3.1理查德医学研究楼中 22 图3.2新疆国际大巴扎建筑群 22 图3.3何香凝美术纪念馆 23 图3-4清水会馆1 24 图3-5清水会馆2 24 图3-6美国大气物理研究中心 24 图3.7彩色玻璃窗 25 图4.1重庆大学档案馆 28 图4.2砖石与木材组合 29 图4.3上海新天地 30 图4-4柿子林会所l 31 图4.5柿子林会所2 32 图4.6 Kuhmo文化中心 33 图4.7西汉南岳王墓博物馆 图4.7西汉南岳王墓博物馆 3l 图4-8芝



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