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摘要高职院校主要是为生产、服务一线培养技术技能人才,而这种人才的培养, 摘要 高职院校主要是为生产、服务一线培养技术技能人才,而这种人才的培养, -N也离不开企业的全程参与。因此,发挥企业作为重要办学主体的作用,推 进企业参与人才培养的全过程,实现校企协同育人,是高职院校人才培养过程 中必须解决的问题。 “订单式”人才培养模式,强调校企人才共育、过程共管、责任共担、成 果共享,是深化产教融合、校企合作,推进工学结合、知行合一的有效路径。 本研究以A学院“三维数字城市订单班”为研究对象,主要采用文献研究 法、个案分析法、调查问卷法等研究方法,首先详细剖析“三维数字城市订单 班”的运行机制和取得成效,以便为其他院校提供经验借鉴;其次重点分析“三 维数字城市订单班”实施全过程中存在的问题,并探究其问题根源;最后针对 所发现的问题提出相应的对策建议,以期促进“订单式”人才培养模式优化, 进而大范围推广“订单式”人才培养模式,从而解决高职院校人才培养的适销 对路问题。 关键词:高职院校;“订单式”人才培养模式;个案分析; 实践研究 万方数据 ABSTRACTThe ABSTRACT The primary mission of higher vocational college is to serve the technical and skilled talents、析th full involving by enterprise.So the core point that must be solved during the talents training of higher vocational college is that the enterprise must play a major role as a main subject of running college,propelling the participation of enterprise,achieved the cooperation of college and enterprise during the tMents training. It is an effective way to deepen the cooperation between college and enterprise, combination of teaching and manufacture,push the combination between learning and practice,knowledge and practice combination of the talent training mode which depend on the joint management and cooperation to the principle of shared responsibility. The research object is”3D digital city order class”in A college mainly adopting literature research,case analysis,investigation,questionnaire and other research methods.Firstly,the article analyze the operation mechanism and effective of”3D digital city order class,in order to provide experience and reference for other colleges. Secondly,the article emphasizes the problems existing in the whole process of implementing”3D digital city order class”,and explores its root cause.Finally,we put forward the corresponding measures and suggestions for discovered problems,in order to improve talent—cultivation mode with ordering.Then,we should promote the talent—cultivation mode with ordering widely SO as to solve the current problem of shortage


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