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变电设备状态监控系统研究与开发 浙江大学硕士学位论文 STYLEREF 标题,章标题(无序号) 摘要 PAGE i 摘要 电网的不断扩大,变电站布点的不断增加,为了保证运行正常,带动了变电站内的各种传感设备增加。这给维护员工带来了更大的工作量,并且检修周期安排和离线数据采集变的非常困难。 本文研究在在线状态下,通过本系统的监控,能够快速的反映前方各个变电站内的各个智能传感器的采集状况以及被监测设备的运行状况。在做到监控这一目的后,再为维护人员检修提供采样数据。 变电站在线监测系统接收前端各式各样的智能传感器,这些传感器使用的协议可分为两大类,异构规约和标准规约。本系统的前置机系统提供开放接口支持标准规约,同时也提供专用接口支持已透入使用的异构规约。 前端智能传感器采集到数据,封装后发送到接入层CAC系统,这一层,不同协议的数据解析后都封装成标准格式I2。接入层再把标准格式数据包发送到主站数据处理、分析、存储服务层,服务层解析标准数据包,取出采样数据,采样数据作三个用途,一是更新实时数据库,作为在线监测;二是存到本地历史数据库,作为查询用;三是写入PMS系统。 关键词: 智能传感器, IEC61850,异构规约,标准规约 浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract 浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract PAGE ii PAGE ii Abstract The expanding of electricity grid leads to the increasing of substations. In order to ensure normal operation, varieties of sensors are used. Maintenance?staffs?take?a greater?workload. And so it’s hard to?maintain cycle?arrangements and?off-line?data acquisition. This paper mainly researches such status that it can be quickly reflects equipment status of the various smart sensors in substation far away. After reach this goal, and then provide sample data to maintenance stuff. Substation line Monitoring System received?a wide range of?smart sensors. Protocol used by?these sensors?can be divided into?two categories, one is Standard Statute, and the other is Heterogeneous?Statute. This system?provides?open interfaces to support Standard?Statute and provide private interface to support Heterogeneous?Statute. Smart?sensors?collect data and packaged, then send to access layer of CAC. After receiving these packages, CAC analysis and package to another standard format. Access layer will send I2 packages to service layer where master data processing, analysis, storage. The sample data can be display in the web, and also send the PMS system. Key Words:Smart Sensor, IEC61850, Heterogeneous?Statute, Stand



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