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* 您能否举出在每天实际操作中会遇到的一些洗手指征? 直接接触的情况: 握手,抚摸孩童的额头 搀扶病患移动 为病人戴氧气面罩,进行物理疗法 把脉、测血压、胸部听诊、腹部触诊,记录ECG * 进行无菌操作的情况: 帮助病人清洁口腔、滴眼药水 清洁创面、伤口换药、皮下注射 静脉插管、导尿管插管 准备食物,配药 * 接触病人的体液: 清洁病人口腔,滴眼药水,帮助排泄 清理创面,换药,皮下注射 插管或拔管 清理尿液、粪便、呕吐物,和操作一些污染物(绷带、餐巾、尿垫),清洁可见的固体污染物(床单、厕所、尿盆、便盆和医疗设备) * 直接接触: * 接触病人的环境: 在病人下床时换床单 调节灌注速度 监测仪报警 扶床把手,依靠床边,或床边桌 清洁床边桌 * health care activity may be described as a succession of tasks during which health-care workers hands touch different types of surfaces: the patient, his/her body fluids, objects or surfaces located in the patient surroundings and patients and surfaces within the health-care area. Each contact is a potential source of contamination for health-care workers hands. Elements or areas that are involved in hand transmission of health care-associated germs: PATIENT: the transmission risk is especially related to critical sites. Critical sites can either correspond to body sites or medical devices that have to be protected against microorganisms potentially leading to HCAI (called critical sites with infectious risk for the patient), or body sites or medical devices that potentially lead to hand exposure to body fluids and bloodborne pathogens (called critical sites with body fluid exposure risk). Both pre-cited risks may also occur simultaneously. Critical site with infectious risk for the patient: where there is a risk of germs being inoculated into the patient during a care activity through contact with a mucous membrane, non-intact skin or an invasive medical device. Critical site with infectious risk for the health-care worker: where there is a risk of potential or actual exposure to a patient’s blood or another body fluid for the health-care worker. PATIENT SURROUNDINGS: space temporarely dedicated to a patient, including all inanimate surfaces that are touched by or in direct physical contact with the patient (e.g. bed rails, bedside table, bed linen, cHCAIrs, infusion tubing, monitors, knobs and buttons, and other medical equipment). health-ca


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