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第 PAGE 30 页 尧柏水泥厂2500 t/d水泥熟料生产线生料粉磨工艺设计 院 系: 材料科学与工程学院 专 业: 材料科学与工程 学生姓名: 学 号: 时 间: 2011.6.1 设计总说明 生料粉磨是水泥生产工艺中及其重要的一个组成部分。生料粉磨质量的好坏将直接关系到之后的煅烧甚至是出品水泥的质量。本设计任务就是2500t/d水泥熟料生产线生料粉磨工艺设计。设计过程经过物料平衡计算、生料粉磨车间工艺设计及主机选型等步骤,重点在生料粉磨车间的设计。 生料粉磨环节,目前采用较为广泛使用的是闭式立磨机粉磨系统,该系统目前运用技术已日趋成熟,由于采用立磨机作为主机粉磨物料,该系统具有占地面积小,电耗低,噪音污染小,粉磨颗粒粒径范围大等优点。为大多数大型水泥厂家所接受。 在设计之前,经过对相关资料的查阅,对整个生料粉磨系统有了初步的了解,并在后续的工作中,进行了原料配比,物料平衡及热平衡计算,进行了对主机的平衡计算及选型,辅机的计算及选型等。之后进行了CAD绘图工作。主要包括工艺流程图,主要设备的平,剖面图。 关键词:生料粉磨,立磨,配料计算,设备选型 Design General Description Cement raw material grinding is an important process and its components. The quality of raw material grinding quality is directly related to burning even after the quality of cement produced. The design task is to 2500t / d cement clinker production line of raw material grinding process design. After the design process material balance calculations, raw material grinding plant process design and host selection, and other steps, focusing on the raw material grinding plant design. Raw material grinding part, the current use of the more widely used is the closed set mill grinding system, the system is the use of technology has matured, the use of established material grinding mill as the host, the system has small footprint, low power consumption, noise pollution, grinding particle size range and so on. Home for most large-scale cement plants are acceptable. Prior to the design, through access to relevant information, the raw material grinding system for initial understanding, in the follow-up work, the raw material ratio, material balance and heat balance calculation, the calculation of the balance of the host and the selection, calculation and selection, and other auxiliary equipment. Followed by a CAD drawing work. Including process flow diagrams, major equipment levels, profi


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