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PAGE PAGE 3 (2011—221)What is pharmacology? The study of how drugs affect biological systems Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics What the body does to drug what the drug does to body 药代动力学 [,fɑ:m?k?u,kainetiks] 药效学[fɑ:m?,k?udain?miks] Pharmacology . Pharmacotherapeutics Pharmacognosy The study of the use of drugs identifying crude materials as drug 药物治疗学 [,fɑ:m?k?θer?pi] ( 研究天然药物的) 生药学[,fɑ:m?k?gn?si] Pharmacognosy : plants, animals, minerals, microbes, synthetics(source of drugs) 人工合成(绝缘)材料[sinθetiks] Pharmacodynamics : drug receptors (serotonin血清素,dopamine多巴胺) [,si?r?ut?unin] [d?up?,mi:n] Effect of drug efficacy (疗效 [efik?si]) Responses to drug(回应) Toxicity毒性and adverse effects of drugs不良反应(side effects副作用) Pharmacokinetics : 1.Absorption [?bs?:p??n] 吸收2. Distribution分布 3. Metabolism(biotransformation) 4. Exertion(elimination) [mit?b?lizm] [igz?:??n] 排泄[i,liminei??n]消除, T1/2 (half—life) The time required for the plasma concentration of a drug to be reduced by 50%. [pl?zm?]血浆浓度 把...分解 ED50 (half effective dose) The dose of a drug that is effective for 50% of the population exposed to the drug [d?us]剂量, 服用量 [ifektiv] 暴露的 LD50 (half lethal dose) The dose at which death occurs(出现) in 50% of subjects(受治疗者) Drug Nomenclature : Chemical name , Generic name , Trade name Routes of Drug Administration(给药) enteral肠的[ent?r?l]. within or by way of the Gl tract oral (PO), rectal, sublingual parenteral肠胃外的[p?rent?r?l] not within the alimentary canal消化道 Inhalation ,intramuscular(IM), subcutaneously(S.C), intraperitoneally(I.P) [,inh?lei??n].吸入,[,intr?m?skjul?] 肌肉的,[,s?bkju:teini?s]皮下地,[,intr?,perit?ni:?l]腹膜内的 central 中枢的[sentr?l] into the brain or spinal cord脊髓 intrathecal , intracerebroventricular (ICV) 鞘内的(注射) [,intr?ser?br?l]大脑内的(注射) Blood—brain –barrier血脑屏障[b?ri?] Central administration is necessary for drugs that cannot cross the blood—brain—barrier. Drug formulation (药物的换算) Dosage = the amount of drug to be administered usually based on weight Exp: mg/kg Concentration=ho


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