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2011父母赴美探亲签证攻略 材料准备(Check list) 由子女准备的材料(Documents from the Inviter): 1. Invitation letter to the parents 给父母的邀请信(中文)。可以找学校IPS或者导师开具一份。最好提供学校的邮寄信封。 2. Letter to VO (Visa officer) 给签证官的邀请信(英文),后有例文。 3. Photocopies of passport 护照复印件 4. Photocopies of most recent I-94 card I-94表复印件(护照内页过境那页纸) 5. Photocopies of driver license and medical insurance card 驾驶执照, 医疗保险卡 6. Photocopy of I-20 form I-20的复印件 7. Photocopies of visas to enter U.S. 入美签证复印件 8. 学校在读证明 9. 成绩单 10.毕业典礼邀请通知 11. Original bank statements 银行存款证明原件(附上3个月左右的银行statements,有最好) 12. Photocopy of Social Security Card 社会安全卡复印件(如果有) 13. Photocopies of pay stubs for last two months 过去两个月工资单复印(如果有) 14. Photocopy of W2 form 税表复印件(如果有) 15. I-134表 由父母即签证申请人准备的材料(Documents from Applicants) 1. Application forms (DS160) for both applicants DS160申请表的打印确认页 2. Photo for the visa 签证用照片(51cm*51cm) 3. 中信银行签证费收据原件 4. Both Applicants’ Passports 父母(只需申请人)的护照 5. Family Photo 家庭照片,全家福 6. Certificate of Property Ownership 房产证 7. Proof of Bank Saving Accounts 存款证明(一般有15万的说法,父母经济条件好的,当然钱越多越好,一般的也没关系,只要收入在所在地区属于平均水平,能说明他们在中国有办法生活就行了。) 8. Both Applicants’ Pension Payment stubs 父母的工资单或收入证明(如有税单也带上) 9. 父母的在职工作(或退休)证明(中文,如有英文翻译最好) 10. 父母单位的准假证明(如有中英文最好) 11. Medical Insurance Cards for both applicant 公费医疗保险卡(医保卡) 12. Certificate of Marriage 父母结婚证 13. Residence Verification Booklets 父母的户口本 14. ID 身份证 15, Business Card 名片 例文:给签证官的信Letter to Vo October, 2011 American Embassy Shanghai, Shanghai Dear Visa officer, This is _______writing on behalf of my parents, Mr. _______and Mrs.________, to apply for B2-visitor visas. I (holding H1B) am currently studying as a xxx for ___________, in San Jose, California. I have gone back to China to visit my parents in 2001 and 2005, but they have never had a chance to visit me. As my parents retired recently, I wish to invite them to the United States The purpose of my parents’ trip is to take a short vacation in the United States. My parents love traveling so much. I am glad to give them a short tour around t



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