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PAGE PAGE 9 摘 要 雷电事故在现在电力系统的跳闸停电事故中占有相当大的比重。雷击是造成跳闸的主要原因,因而,研究电力系统防雷保护是十分有意义的。在现代电力系统中,实际采用的防雷保护装置主要有:避雷针、避雷线、保护间隙、各种避雷器、防雷接地、电抗线圈、电容器组、消弧线圈、自动重合闸等等。其中广泛使用的是避雷针、避雷线(又称为架空地线)和避雷器。 人类在有关雷电方面的知识还是近60年来才获得的,这是因为雷电的放电对航空、电力、建筑、通信等领域都有很大的影响,促使人们从20世纪30年代起加强了对雷电防雷保护的技术的研究。特别是用高速摄影、自动录波、雷电定向定位等现代测量技术所作的实测研究的成果,大大丰富了人们对雷电的认识。 本次设计针对220kv变电站的防雷系统进行初步设计,对变电站直击雷、入侵波、输电线路防雷性能进行计算,对学习内容进行巩固提高,为今后的工作奠定基础。 关键词:变电站;防雷保护;入侵波;输电线路 Abstract The lightning accident in power system blackout accident of tripping now occupies a large proportion of. Lightning is caused by tripping of main reason, therefore, to study the power system lightning protection is of great significance. In modern power system, the lightning protection device mainly has : lightning, lightning conductor, protective gap, a variety of arrester, lightning protection and grounding, reactance coil, capacitor, arc suppression coil, automatic reclosing etc.. One widely used is the lightning, lightning line ( also known as the overhead ground wire ) and lightning arrester. Human knowledge about lightning in the past 60 years to obtain, this is because the lightning discharge in aviation, electricity, construction, communications and other fields have a great influence, urges the people from the nineteen thirties has strengthened the lightning protection technology research. Especially the use of high speed photography, automatic recording, lightning direction locating and other modern measurement technique for the measured results, greatly enriching the people on the understanding of lightning. The design for the 220kV substation lightning protection system for the preliminary design of the substation, lightning invasion wave, transmission line, lightning performance calculation, on the learning content to consolidate rise, for future work to lay the foundation. Keywords: substation; lightning protection; invasion wave; transmission line 目 录 第一章 电力系统防雷保护及其计算绪论………………………………………………1 第二章 设计过程…………………………………………………………………………3 第一节


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