杜甫 梦李白(一).doc

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杜甫: 梦李白(之一) zongxujian 于2008-06-11发布 l 已有 525人浏览 \o 外教任意选,每天陪你练口语 外教任意选,每天陪你练口语 \o 提前下载-公交车上也能听英语 提前下载-公交车上也能听英语 \o 英语口语8000句mp3下载 英语口语8000句 杜甫: 梦李白(之一)/ Du Fu: SEEING Li Bai IN A DREAM( I ) 0 杜甫: 梦李白(之一)/ Du Fu: SEEING Li Bai IN A DREAM( I ) 梦李白(之一) 杜甫 死别已吞声, 生别常恻恻。 江南瘴疠地, 逐客无消息。 故人入我梦, 明我长相忆。 君今在罗网, 何以有羽翼。 恐非平生魂, 路远不可测。 魂来枫林青, 魂返关塞黑。 落月满屋梁, 犹疑照颜色。 水深波浪阔, 无使蛟龙得。   SEEING Li Bai IN A DREAM( I ) Du Fu There are sobs when death is the cause of parting; But life has its partings again and again. …From the poisonous damps of the southern river You had sent me not one sign from your exile -- Till you came to me last night in a dream, Because I am always thinking of you. I wondered if it were really you, Venturing so long a journey. You came to me through the green of a forest, You disappeared by a shadowy fortress…. Yet out of the midmost mesh of your snare, How could you lift your wings and use them? …I woke, and the low moons glimmer on a rafter Seemed to be your face, still floating in the air. …There were waters to cross, they were wild and tossing; If you fell, there were dragons and rivermonsters.


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