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第30 卷 第5 期 采矿与安全工程学报 Vol.30 No.5 2013 年09 月 Journal of Mining Safety Engineering Sept. 2013 文章编号:1673-3363-(2013)05-0766-071 低渗透性煤层群卸压开采地面钻井抽采瓦斯技术 涂敏 (安徽理工大学能源与安全学院,安徽 淮南 232001) 摘要 基于淮南矿区高瓦斯低渗透性煤层群赋存条件,通过试验模型分析了卸压开采后的覆岩移 动破坏、卸压煤层移动变形、采动裂隙垂向分带和卸压煤层应力分带特征,得出了首采层采空侧 顶板至上覆卸压煤层顶板中存在环形裂隙区、竖向裂隙区、远程卸压煤层裂隙区,根据采动裂隙 区发育特征,提出了卸压瓦斯抽采地面钻井的部署方法。在顾桥矿 1117(1)工作面切眼外侧、风巷 内侧和工作面前方分别布置有 “ ” 、“ │”型和“L”型地面钻井,实现了长时间、大范围、较高的卸 压瓦斯抽采率。总结了地面钻井位置、钻井型式、钻井稳定性与卸压瓦斯抽采效果之间的关系。 关键词 低渗透性;煤层群;采动裂隙垂向分带;卸压瓦斯抽采;地面钻井部署 中图分类号 TD 325 文献标志码 A Surface well drilling extracting gas technology in low permeability coal seams depressurized mining TU Min (Shool of Mining and Safety Engineering,Anhui University of Science and Technology ,Huainan ,Anhui 232001 ,China) Abstract Based on depositing conditions of high gas and low permeability of coal seam group in Huainan mining area, this article analyzes the movement and failure characteristics of overlying strata, the movement and deformation characteristics of relief seam, the vertical zoning characteristics of min- ing fractures and stress zoning characteristics of relief seam through the analogue test. Conclusion is drawn that there are annular fracture area, vertical fracture area, and the remote relief seam fracture area from the roof of goaf in the first mining layer. According to the developing characteristics of the mining fracture areas, this article puts forward the deployment method of surface drilling in the drainage of pressure relief gas. The “ ”-type , “ │”-type and “L”-type ground


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