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机械工程 专业英语 课程介绍 学习专业英语的重要性 学习目的 为何在大三开设这门课程 专业英语的英文名称 “专业英语”----- English for Special Purpose Specified English for ……. “机械工程专业英语” Specified English for Mechanical Engineering 专业英语和普通英语的区别 一. 词义特点 1. 根据词类辨明词义 e.g: (1) Round (adj.) surface reflector is a key unit for the solar energy device. 曲面反射器是太阳能装置的关键元件。 ( 2) This is the whole round (n.) of knowledge. 这是全部知识范围。 2. 区分场合确定词义(不同的场合,词义也不一样。要根据 上下文和语言环境来确定词义) e.g: (1) pig: 猪 ~ iron 生铁 (机械专业) ~ metal 金属锭 ~ copper 生铜 (2) dog: 狗 (机械专业) ~ 鸡心夹头, 挡块 3. 按照习惯搭配词义 e.g: (1) I have a short memory. (2) This biscuit eats short. (3) Indeed he has a short temper. 4. 联系上下文活用词义 e.g: (1) There is no physical contact between tool and workpiece. 工具和工件之间没有有形(直接)的接触。 (2) High-speed grinding does not know this disadvantage 高速磨削不知道(存在)这个缺点。 二. 句子结构特点 1. 句子长 2. 被动语态多 e.g: The rate at which work is done is called power. 3. 后置定语多 4. 名词化结构多 e.g: to control the machine ---- the control of the machine 学习方法与教学方法 工具书的介绍 1. 收词不足,收词量有限 2. 收词面广 3. 例证丰富 4. 释义地道, 全面 5. 词的用法说明较详细 Lesson 1 Introduction for Materials Designers and engineers are usually more interested in the behavior of materials under load or when in a magnetic field than in why they behave as they do. 1. are …. more interested in…. than in 对…..比对…..更兴趣 2. under load :承载时 Yet the better one understands the nature of materials and the reasons for their physical and mechanical properties the more quickly and wisely will he


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