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忍冬科植物简介;中国植物志:13(12)/500(200+);;中国植物志;忍冬科Cymes with a pair of bracts and 2 pairs of bracteoles,occasionally accrescent in fruit, rarely absent. anthers free, 2-celled,?Ovary inferior,Fruit a berry, a drupe with 2-5 pyrenes, or a leathery achene. Seeds 1 to many;;1. 花序由聚散合成伞形、伞房式或圆锥式;柱头常2-3裂;花冠不具蜜腺;花药内向或外向……………五福花科 1. 花序非上述情况,若为圆锥花序则花柱细长;柱头大多为头状,很少分裂;花冠具蜜腺;花药内向。 2. 蒴果……………………………………………锦带花科 2. 核果。 3. 聚伞花序有一对苞片和两对小苞片,稀缺;种子1到多数………………………………………………忍冬科 3. 苞片叶状,着生在子房基部形成萼状总苞;种子1-颗………………………………………………北极花科 ;五福花科Adoxaceae ;五福花科Adoxaceae-荚蒾属 Viburnum;?V. macrocephalum???? 绣球荚蒾;五福花科Adoxaceae-接骨木属 Sambucus ;;中国植物志;忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae;忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae-毛核木属Symphoricarpos ;忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae;忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae-七子花属 Heptacodium;1. Flowers single and opposite in a spike 2. Ovaries 5, 7, or 8-locular, all locules with many ovules.………………………………………… Leycesteria鬼吹箫属 2. Ovaries 4-locular, 2 locules with 1 fertile ovule, other 2 locules with many sterile ovules.…………………Symphoricarpos毛核木属 1. Flowers paired (rarely single and then pedunculate; rarely in threes and then bracteoles fused into a cupule) or in whorls of 6 3. Flowers paired (rarely single and then pedunculate; rarely in threes and then bracteoles fused into a cupule).…………… Lonicera忍冬属 3. Flowers in whorls of 6 4. Flowers 6 in a single whorl, with 2 pairs of tight involucral bracts forming a capitulum; capitula paniculate; shrubs with triplinerved leaves.…………………………………………Heptacodium七子花属; 4. Flowers 6 in a single whorl, with 2 pairs of tight involucral bracts forming a capitulum; capitula paniculate; shrubs with triplinerved leaves.………………………………………Heptacodium七子花属 4. Inflorescence different, if flowers in a capitulum then plant a climber with perfoliate involucral bracts and bilabiate flowers in 1-4 whorls 5. Herbs; leaves pinnatifid, otherwise perfoliate………………………………………… Triosteum莛子藨属 5. Shrubs or climbers; leaves entire, not perfoliate (involucral bracts sometimes perfoliate). 6. Shrubs; flo


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