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ISRA SURFACE VISION Technical Description 技术描述 PATTERNSCAN-Ribbon Rev. 1.4 Technical Description PATTERNSCAN-Ribbon Rev 1.4 Page 2 / 15 1. Introduction 介绍 1.1 Increasing Quality Requirements 越来越高的质量要求 Ever increasing production throughput (higher speed, greater width) and ever increasing quality levels (smaller defects) make a visual inspection impossible. Automated surface inspection using newest camera and computer technology meets the requirements for 100% inspection and provides an economic solution for the customer. 不断提高的生产能力(更高的速度、更大的板宽)和质量水平(更小的缺陷)使人工检测已经 不可能满足要求。用必威体育精装版的摄像头和计算机技术相结合而成的自动化表面检测可以满足 100% 检测的要求,并为用户提供一个经济的解决方案。 Automated surface inspection produces an objective quality level, since the inspection system works always with the same set of inspection parameters, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days per year. An additional benefit is the automatic generation of a quality protocol; therefore product quality is documented and archived. Documented inspection results provide an important mean for successful processing of warranty claims. 自动化表面检测可提供一个客观的质量水平,因为检测系统始终(一天24 小时,一周 7 天,一年 365 天)是在同样的检测参数设定下工作。它的另一个好处是可以自动生成一个质量协议,因此 可将产品质量情况文档化并归档保存。这些文档化的检测结果为顺


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