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第40卷第4期 南 京 工 业 大 学 学 报 (自然 科 学 版) Vol.40 No.4
2018年7月 JOURNAL OF NANJINGTECH UNIVERSITY (Natural Science Edition) July 2018
doi:10.3969/ j.issn.1671 7627.2018.04.008
何培瑜,洪荣晶,王 华
(南京工业大学机械与动力工程学院,江苏 南京 211800)
摘 要:基于ABAQUS建立回转支承局部三维有限元模型,将有限元计算的滚动体滚动速度与理论计算对比,检
验出仿真的合理性,同时对回转支承进行动态分析,研究摩擦因数对回转支承应力应变和疲劳寿命的影响。 仿真
对称分布,随着摩擦因数增大,次表层的最大应力有向滚道表面移动趋势。 反映出回转支承的滚道的疲劳损伤萌
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中图分类号:TH1171 文章编号:1671 7627(2018)04 0045 07
Effects of friction coefficient on dynamic characteristics of the slewing bearing
HE Peiyu,HONG Rongjing,WANG Hua
(College of Mechanical and Power Engineering,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211800,China)
Abstract:BasedonABAQUS,thelocalthree⁃dimensionalfiniteelement model of the slewingbearingwas
established,and the rolling speed from finite element method was compared with the theoretical
calculation to verify the simulation results.The effect of friction coefficient on the stress⁃strain andfatigue
life of rotary support was investigated.The results were compared with the Hertz theory,and showed that
the effect of friction led to the front contact stress greater than the former contact zone,stress center on
incomplete contact point symmetric distribution with the increasing of friction coefficient,and the
maximum stressofthesurfacetotheraceway surfacemovingtrend.Itwasreflectedthatthefatiguedamage
initiation of theraceway oftheslewingbearingbecameshallowwiththevariationofthelubricationeffect,
which provided the theoretical basis for the further analysis of th