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第 37 卷 第 2 期 Vol. 37, No.2 2018 年3 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics March, 2018 ⋄ 研究报告⋄ 水滴声台阶声景观软件模拟实验 侯万钧 张振伟 马 蕙 ( 河北工程大学建筑与艺术学院 邯郸 056000) ( 天津大学建筑学院 天津 300072) 摘要 国内外发现了一种能够将脚步声或拍手声转变成类似水滴声的水滴声台阶。为科学保护和实现主动设 计这种水滴声台阶声景观,该文基于声学仿真软件对天子冢和天元山水滴声台阶声场特征进行模拟,讨论了 模拟的精确性和水滴声台阶形成的复杂性。结果表明:当忽略台阶物理属性影响时,可以模拟出台阶几何形式 对声音频谱有一定的筛选作用,模拟出的台阶上的声场特征与实地测试结果基本一致,但是无法准确模拟台 阶上“水滴声” 频谱的主导频率大小。最后提出水滴声台阶保护和设计建议。 关键词 水滴声台阶,声景观,频谱,计算机模拟 中图法分类号: TU112 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2018)02-0208-06 DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2018.02.004 Computer simulation experiment of step water drop soundscape HOU Wanjun ZHANG Zhenwei MA Hui ( School of Architecture of Hebei University of Engineering, Handan , China) ( School of Architecture of Tianjin University, Tianjin , China) Abstract Several strange steps water drop soundscape had been found in China and abroad. They transform footsteps or clapping hands into sounds like water droplets. For the protection and reproduction of these interesting step drop soundscape, the acoustic characteristics of two steps of Emperor Tomb and the Tianyuan Mountain are simulated by using simulation software. The accuracy of the simulation is discussed, as well as the complexity of the formation of water drop phenomenon. This paper results that, if ignored the material physical properties of the step, the geometric shape of the step can be simulated to show the similar sound spectrum. The sound characteristics of the si


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