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30 6 V o.l 30 N o. 6 20 10 12 JOURNAL OF EARTH QUAKE ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION D ec. 2010 : 1000- 1301( 20 10) 06- 0013- 06 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 刘建伟 , 李英民 , 刘立平 , 郑妮娜 , 韩 军 , 王丽萍 ( 1. , 400045 2. , 400045) : , , , , : : P315. 952. 1 TU 312. 3 : A Damage to single-story industrym ill building with RC colum ns duringM 8. 0W enchuan earthquake 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 L IU Jianw e i , L I Y ingm in , L IU L ip ing , ZHENG N ina , HAN Jun , WANG L ip ing ( 1. College of C iv il Engin eering, Ch ongq ing U n iv ers ity, C hongq ing 400045, Ch ina 2. K ey L aboratory of Con struction and N ew T echn ology of M oun tain C ities of C h ina M in istry of E ducation, Chongqing U n ivers ity, Chongqu ing 400045, Ch ina) Abstract: D am age to sing le- story indu stry m ill bu ildings w ith R C co lum n in m ost affected areas duringM 8. 0 W en- chu an earthqu ake w as investigated and summ arized. R eason o f dam age to these stru ctures w ere ana lysed by f in ite elem en t m ethod smi ulat ion. A nd then the design m easures for indu stry m ill bu ildingsw ere proposed. T he results in- dicate th at m ost o f the single- story industry m ill bu ild ings w ith RC co lum ns achieved fort ification ami proposed by Chinese prov ision s during W enchuan earthqu ake. R oofs, protecting stru ctures, connection s of roo f and top co-l um n s, section- chang ing position s of col


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