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Module 2 ---Kate Unit 1 Is this your mum? To understand conversations on members. 2. To briefly talk about one’s family. Objectives: 歌曲欣赏 Read the words and expressions loudly. Review Words and expressions [ɑ:nt] [`br?e?] [`k?zn] [`d?:t?] [`f?mili] [`fɑ:e?] [`m?e?] [`ɡr?n ,fɑ:e?] [`ɡr?n,m?e?] [`ɡr?n,p??r?nt] aunt n. 姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母 brother n. 兄弟 cousin n. 堂兄弟;表兄弟 daughter n. 女儿 family n. 家,家庭 father n. 父亲,爸爸 mother n. 母亲;妈妈 grandfather n. (外) 祖父 grandmother n. (外) 祖母 grandparent n. (外) 祖父母 Words and expressions [`p??r?nt] ] [`sist?] [s?n] [`??kl] [m?m] [d?d] [ei:z] [eei] [left] [rait] parent n. 父亲;母亲 sister n. 姐;妹 son n. 儿子 uncle n. 叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父;姨父 mum n. 妈妈 (口语) dad n. 爸爸(口语) these n. 这些 they n. 他/她/它们 left n. 左边;左侧 right n. 右边;右侧 Words and expressions on the left在左边 on the right在右边 [hu:, hu] [`wum?n] [nekst] [`h?zb?nd] [fr?nt] [e?uz] [`f?ut?u] nephew[`nefju:] niece[ni:s] who pron. 谁 woman n. 成年女子;妇女 next n. 在……的旁边 next to 在……旁边 husband n. 丈夫 front n. 前面;正面 in front of在……的前面 those pron. 那些 photo n. 照片,相片 n. 侄子,外甥 n. 外甥女;侄女 Words and expressions wife[ waif ] n. 妻子 law [l?:]?n.法律 father-in-law n.岳父;公公 mother-in-la n.婆母;岳母; sister-in-law n. 嫂子、弟妹(弟媳妇), 小姑子,大姑姐 brother-in-law n. 姐夫;妹夫;内弟;内兄; 小叔子;大伯哥 godmother[`g?d,m?e?]? n .教母(干妈) godfather [`g?d,fɑ:e?] n. 教父(干爹) stepfather[`step,fɑ:e?] n. 继父 stepmother[`step,m?e?]?n.继母,后母 step brother ?n.异父(母)兄弟 son-in-law n. 女婿 daughter-in-law n.儿媳 stepsister .n. 异父(母)姐妹 family F father A and M mother I I L love Y you grandfather grandmother grandfather grandmother mother father uncle aunt daughter son cousin brother sister daughter 祖父 外祖父 祖母 外祖母 父亲 母亲 兄弟 姐;妹 儿子 女儿 女儿 堂(表)兄(弟);堂(表)姐(妹) 叔叔;伯伯;舅舅; 姑父;姨夫 姨; 伯母;婶母;舅母; 姑母 family tree Look at the picture. Talk about Tony’s family. aunt brother cousin daughter family father grandfather grandm


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