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影响力 发挥影响力的方法 职权的柔性使用(Silent authority) 拥有职权者不须明显展示其权威,自然能得到他人的尊重,此种情形在高度权力距离的文化中最为普遍。 职权的果断使用(Assertiveness) 拥有职权的人明显展现其权威,使用奖惩权与威胁权迫使他人就范。 交换策略(Exchange) 企图透过利益与资源的承诺,或重提过去施予之恩惠,希望换得他人顺从自己的要求。 影响力 发挥影响力的方法 结党(Coalition formation) 当个人之权力不足以影响他人时,可能会联合其他志同道合者,结成党派,显示自己的主张广获认同,藉以发挥更大的影响力。 寻求上级支援(Upward appeal) 如果上述的结党行动,得到组织中高位阶的主管或专家的支持或加入,则影响力更大。 印象管理(Impression management) 积极采取行动以塑造自己的正面形象,企图获取锁定对象的欢心,印象管理有多种途径,人们较常使用的方法是逢迎讨好(ingratiation)。 影响力 发挥影响力的方法 说服(Persuasion) 利用合乎逻辑的陈述、举出事实证据或提出合情合理的诉求,以显示自己的要求具有价值。 资讯管控(Information control) 对锁定对象的资讯来源加以操纵,以便影响其态度与行为。 领导人的光明面与阴暗面 A Powerful Metaphor The difference between moral and immoral leaders is as sharp as the contrast between light and darkness. Parker Palmer If we want to manage or master the dark forces inside us, we must first acknowledge that they exist. Elements of Character Courage (勇气) Integrity (正直诚信) Humility (谦逊) Reverence (敬畏) Optimism (乐观) Compassion (慈悲) Justice (正义) Character Building Finding role models Telling and living collective stories Learning from hardship Developing habits Stephen Covey developed the most popular list of habits in his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” Developing mission statements Identifying values Six major value types by Gordon Allport The Leader’s Shadows The shadow of power Leadership cannot exist without power Unfortunately, abuse of power is a common fact The shadow of privilege Privilege is a significant ethical burden associated with leadership The shadow of mismanaged information Leaders cast shadows not only when they lie but also when they mismanage information Seven Types of Bad Leaders Barbara Kellerman Incompetent: unable to sustain effective action Rigid: unyielding, not accept new ideas Intemperate: lack self-control Callous: uncaring, unkind Corrupt: put self-interest ahead of public interest Insular: draw a clear boundary between Evil: commit atrocities


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