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蹭课文化风靡校园 Auditing classes at university is an ideal way of learning or trying out new areas of study without committing yourself. You can study alongside fellow students without any obligation to participate in formal assessments or gain credits for your degree. The trend of auditing university classes has swept across universities. Recently, Fudan Postgraduate, a publication by Fudan University, even released a map guide on its campus. Altogether, it features 25 courses, including details of lectures, venues, times and recommendations. Students can design their own auditing route based on a handy map. audit [英] [??:dit] [美] [??d?t] n. 审计,查账 vt. 审计,查账;旁听 vi. 审计 As usual, the yearly audit will take place in December. 跟往常一样,年度审计将在十二月份进行。 obligation [英] [??bli?ɡei??n] [美] [?ɑbl??ɡe??n] n. 义务,责任;证券,契约;债务;恩惠 She is under an obligation to her adoptive father. 她有义务赡养她的养父。 handy [英] [?h?ndi] [美] [?h?ndi] adj. 方便的;手边的,附近的;便于使用的;手巧的 She is a handy girl who can turn her hand to anything. 她是个心灵手巧的姑娘。 在大学里,蹭课是一种理想的学习方式,你可以不受约束地去尝试学习的新领域。 你可以和其他同学一起学习,而完全不必去参加什么正式的学业评定,或是为自己的学位赚学分。 蹭课文化已经席卷了各大高校。近日,复旦大学校刊《复旦研究生报》甚至还推出了一张“复旦蹭课地图”。地图上共标出25门公共课,其中包含课程细节、上课地点、时间以及推荐理由。有了这样一份便携地图,学生们便可以设计出自己的蹭课路线图。 Zhu, editor of the guide, said that she has benefited from the trend herself – she succe- ssfully moved from a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry to her current one after auditing classes. “Visiting classes helped me a lot. The tea- chers of outstanding courses seldom teach strictly according to textbooks, which is attra- ctive to students. Their tutoring methods have expanded my mind,” Zhu said. Other students audit purely out of interest. Shi Shuai, 22, a senior majoring in admini- stration management at Shantou University, attended courses in economics and finance for one year. “It is a great way to explore professional knowledge outside your major,” said Shi, who acquired the basics of accounting and finance management. tutor [英] [?tju:t?] [美] [?tut?, ?tju



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