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PAGE 1 摘 要 本设计项目所处理的污水主要是由天然气净化厂厂区工业废水和公共建筑用水以及厂区生活用水组成。其混合污水最大日设计流量为Q=8000m3/d,总变化系数为K=1.33 , 该厂现有人口8000,随着厂区发展速度的加快,厂区污水的排放严重威胁着该河水质,为了避免该河水质恶化,该厂拟建一座厂区污水处理厂,以解决生活污水和工业废水的污染问题。设计水质经环保部门监测,污水主要污染物COD、SS、BOD5、TP、TN以及重金属和有毒物质少量,其污水水质如下:COD=360mg/l , SS=200mg/l, BOD5=160mg/l,PH=6-9,历年最高气温 38.1℃ 历年最低气温 -0.3℃,年平均气温18.5℃,最高月平均气温 29.4℃,最低月平均气温 5.6℃。处理厂处理水质为:BOD5≤10mg/l,CODcr≤50mg/l,SS≤10mg/l,NH3-N≤5mg/l,TP≤0.5mg/l,出水水质符合国家的一级排放标准。 本设计中,采用SBR工艺处理该厂区污水。SBR工艺处理污水已有很长的时间,是一种较成熟的工艺,在国内已有很多成功的工程实例。处理构筑物主要有曝气沉砂池、SBR反应池、污泥浓缩池等,其主要构筑物 SBR反应池属于间歇式反应器,本设计的SBR反应池建成长方形,有利于减少建设费用。SBR工艺占地少,污泥产生量少,抗冲击负荷能力强。通过调节污泥龄能达到同时脱氮除磷的目的,出水水质好。 关键词:总变化系数; SBR; 设计流量; 脱氮除磷 . Abstract The handled wastewater is formed mianly by industrial waste gas purification plant area and public building sewage, water and plant water composition. The biggest day rated discharge of wastewater is 8000m3/d. Total changes coefficiet K =1.33.There is 8000 persons in the factory. As plantfying process accelerates, in order to avoid The river water quality deterioration, a factory plant proposed sewage treatment plant to address sewage and industrial wastewater pollution problems , Design wastewater quality is monitored by the department of environmental protection. Major contanmints are CODcr,SS,BOD5,TP,TN,heavy metal and few poisonous material in the wastewater,. The wastewater quality is as follow: COD=360mg/l ,SS=200mg/l, BOD5=160mg/l,PH=6-9. The highest temperature is 38.1℃ and the minimum temperature is - 0.3℃ over the years, year in average temperature is 18.5 ℃. The highest mean monthly temperature is 29.4 ℃,and the minimum mean monthly temperature 5.6 ℃. Sewage treatment plant handling water quality is: BOD5≤10mg/l,CODcr≤50mg/l,SS≤10mg/l,NH3-N≤5mg/l,TP≤0.5mg/l.Effluent water quality accords with a level emission standard of country. In the design, the plant sewage is handled with SBR technology. Used SBR technology to handle sewage have had very long time. It is a kind of mature technology.There are th


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