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The Magic Match Girl (原The Little Match Girl)
主要人物:Maggie (Match Girl) 刘心
Grandma of Maggie 黄星
Lyra (The manager of a Company) 谌娜
Logan (A street artist) 张志鹏
Narrator 王睿捷
场 景:街角
Chapter 1: 圣诞节前夕,Maggie失意地坐在街头张望,寻思怎样在节前卖掉火柴。
Narrator: In the winter of 1845, a poor little girl tried to sell matches in the streets for her family. It was a cold, cold evening. It was snowing and people in horse carriages and in the streets did not notice the little girl...
Okay, you know, it was the winter of 1845, not today. You can never imagine the miracle’s coming……
Maggie: (坐在街头,自语)和马丁·路德金先生一样,我也有一个梦想,那就是得到哈弗大学的录取通知,所以,我必须卖掉所有火柴,一点一点赎回我的梦想。
Like Martin Luther, I have a dream too, I wish I could receive the admission of Harvard. So, I have to sell all the matches out.
Maggie: 先生,卖火柴吧!
Sir, match!
路人甲: 哦谢谢,我不需要。
Oh, thanks, I don’t need this.
Maggie: 小姐,买一盒火柴吧!
Miss, match! Match!
Well, who would use this stupid match by now?!
Okay, fine……
After several times’ missing achievements, Maggie went back upsetly. Because of cold , she shivered and have to sit down to polish a match, and then she could get a little warmth. Through the warm light brought by the match, Maggie saw her dear grandmother.
Dear Maggie, don’t be depressed, it won’t be helpful at all. Please try to see the world with your eyes and heart, you will get an unexpected gift.
My dear grandma, what did you say? I……
The match had burned down before Maggie fully understand what her grandmother sa
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