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Urbanski and Thies, 2005 多层软刻蚀(MSL) Pressurized reservoirs of sample are connected via tubing Computer controlled micro-solenoids actuate valves Relative widths and pressure pressure actuated valve Control Mold Flow Mold 纳米压印 纳米压印技术的基本原理是将模具压入一层薄的聚合物薄膜中,这层薄膜通过热或者化学方法可以固化,从而在聚合物上保留模板图形。 根据固化方法的不同,可以大致分为热压印法和紫外固化压印法。 在热压印过程中,首先将旋涂于固体基片上的热塑性聚合物加热到其玻璃化温度(Tg)70 ? 80?C以上,然后施加一定的压力将模具压入聚合物中;聚合物在模板下自由流动并充满模板图形的空隙中。之后,将温度降到玻璃化温度以下使得到的图形固化,然后在室温进行脱模。 在紫外固化法中,所用的图形转移材料是低黏度的单体或聚合物。压印过程是在常温和较低的压印压力下进行,聚合物在紫外光照下固化从而可以保留模具图形。 根据压印过程是采用步进重复还是整片压印来分类。 步进重复压印模式(step-and-flash imprint lithography, SFIL)采用透明的模具,首先在基片上涂布一层聚合物,将模具与基片逐渐接近并进行对准。之后,将一滴低黏度光敏有机硅溶液滴入二者之间的缝隙中,在毛细作用下,溶液流入并填满二者之间的缝隙。之后,将模具压入基底闭合二者之间的缝隙,加紫外光辐照固化光敏聚合物,完成模版图案的转移。 采用整片方式进行压印对硅片的尺寸大小有限制。一方面因为制作大尺寸的模具较困难,如在200 mm模具上制作10 nm的图形,耗时很长;另一方面,整片大尺寸压印时,光刻胶厚度差异也会引起误差;同时热膨胀也是一个必须考虑的问题。但是,整片压印比步进重复式压印快、成本也便宜,这使得该方式更适合应用于厚胶情况,例如MEMS和微流体应用。 纳米压印 10纳米直径的金属模具和其热压至PMMA后形成的孔阵列的SEM图像 热压和步进重复压印 反转压印过程的示意图和由该过程得到的350nm线宽PMMA光栅的SEM图像 反转压印过程 Patterned Magnetic Storage Media for Perfect Bits * * * * * * * * * * * * decane[化]十炭矫质, 癸烷 Fig. 6.2 Schematic illustration of microcontact printing. The first step involves inking a stamp with a solution of a material that is capable of forming a self-assembledmonolayer (SAM) on a substrate that will be printed. In the case illustrated here, the ink is a millimolar concentration of hexadecanethiol (HDT) in ethanol. Directly applying the ink to the surface of the stamp with a pipette prepares the stamp for printing. Blowing the surface of the stamp dry and placing it on a substrate delivers the ink to areas where the stamp contacts the substrate. The substrate consists of a thin layer of Au on a flat support. Removing the stamp after a few seconds of contact leaves a patterned SAM of HDT on the surface of the Au film. The printed SAM can act as a resist for the aqueous-based wet etching of the exposed regions of the Au. The resulting pattern of conducting gold can be used to build devices of


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