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1 牛津高中英语教学设计 教  材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期 文档内容:教学设计——教案 单  元:Unit 4 Law and order 板  块:Task 2 作 者:马艳 Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以说、写为主的Task教学课。本节课遵循认知规律,按照学生温故知新——探索新知识——使用新知识——巩固新知识的客观规律进行教学。从上一堂Task所学习过的场景和语言知识入手结合本单元Task主题引入对话设计和报告写作。帮助学生做好两堂Task所学知识的结合和迁移。 Teaching aims: To ask and answer questions tactfully and to get the information needed. To learn how to write a report and to know what a report should include. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Introduction: let’s recap The teacher starts the lesson with a short recap of the last lesson. A flow chart is used to help illustrate what students have learned in the last lesson and what they are going to learn in this lesson. 【设计说明】教师通过流程图帮助学生回忆复习上堂课Task所学习的内容并引出本堂课将要学习的内容。使学生明确整个Task的连贯性和学习目标。 Step 2 Compare and understand Ask students to look at the two dialogues conveying the same meaning but using different language styles. Encourage the students to compare them and try to find out which one is more polite and why it is more polite. 【设计说明】通过两个对话的比较,帮助学生体会同样的语义通过情态动词、过去时态和礼貌用语等可以更婉转的表达。 Step 3 Useful expressions Encourage students to think up some polite sentence patterns they have learned. 【设计说明】通过对话范例提示学生礼貌用语的重要性,并鼓励学生回顾总结以往所学的礼貌用语。有助于培养学生把新旧知识结合提升,综合语言运用的能力。 Step 4 Role play Let students discuss the way to solve the problem of the boy stealing the money and act out the interview by asking and answering questions politely. 【设计说明】通过对话练习演练礼貌用语在实际情景中的使用。 Step 5 Writing a report: discussion Let students discuss what points will a report includes. 【设计说明】作为报告写作的准备阶段,帮助学生讨论的出报告所包含的要素。培养学生独立思考的能力。 Step 6 Writing a report Ask students work in teams to write a teacher’s report about Xu Jin’s problem based on the information you have collected in Steps 1 and 2. 【设计说明】通过两堂Task所学语言知识和背景知识进行报告写作。鼓励学生团队合作。 Step 7 Summary The teacher will present a short summary of what have learned in the two Task periods. 【设计说明】教师通过总结帮助学生回顾两堂Task课所学内容。理解语义表达中语调及礼貌用语的重要性,学会通过礼貌提问获取有效信息并利用有效信息结合报告要素完成报告写作,使学生体会到报告写作的一个整体学习过程。 Step 8 Homewo


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