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运维功能介绍 SNMP 的管理 5. 系统管理 运维功能介绍 配置管理 5. 系统管理 命令行下常用的几个管理命令 1、系统配置的备份与恢复 A、备份 B、恢复: 命令行下常用的几个管理命令 2、系统运行状态查看 bigtop 查看BIGIP 上各VS、NODE 上的数据流量, 总连接数及几秒内的新建连接均会显示出来 命令行下常用的几个管理命令 2、系统运行状态查看 查看 CPU 情况 命令:tmstat top 命令行下常用的几个管理命令 2、系统运行状态查看 查看连接情况。 b conn 查看所有连接(连接数太大时不能用) b conn | grep X.X.X.X 查看地址X.X.X.X 的连接情况 b conn | wc 统计连接总数 常见排错方法 当 VS 不能访问时,我们首先可以在WEB 界面下查看NODE 的健康检查状态,如果发现NODE 当机,则重点检查NODE 的运行状况及BIGIP 到SERVER 的链路情况。 如果 NODE 的健康检查是正常的,VS 还是不能访问,最简单有效的方法是用tcpdump 查看数据流情况,分别看四部分 1、客户机到 BIGIP 2、BIGIP 到SERVER 3、SERVER 到BIGIP 4、BIGIP 到客户机, tcpdump -i interface -e -n -X -r file -w file file -c number of packets -s number of bytes host ip address port service “and”, “or”, “not” tcpdump tcpdump qkview qkview Extended Application Verification (EAV) is intended to provide maximum flexibility. An external service program works in conjunction with the bigdnode daemon, which verifies node status using node pings and services checks. If you configure external service check on a specific node, the bigdnode daemon checks the node by executing the external service checker program and looks for output written by the external service checker. If the bigdnode finds output from the external service checker, it marks the node up. If it does not find output, it marks it down. The external checker service program must follow the next steps: Must use a pid file to hold its process id /var/run/pinger.ip.port.pid If the external service checker verifies that the service is available, it must write standard output. If the service is not available, it must not write. The external service checker must delete its pid file before it exists. Next, install the program onto /usr/local/lib/pingers directory. Then, add the following line to the /etc/bigd.conf file: external node_ip:port “path” [“argument_string”] Virtual Server Default Profiles All Virtual Servers - at least one Profile TCP: for VS’s processing TCP data UDP: f


xingyuxiaxiang + 关注


