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必修一Unit4 词汇 Ⅰ.单句填空 1.We could see from her        expression that the girl was        .(frighten)? 2.I’m writing to convey my sincere         (congratulate) to you.? 3.His car            in the accident and so he got some       from the insurance company.(damage)? 4.She burst out       (cry)for a while,and burst into________ (laugh)for another moment,which left us at a loss.? 5.The bridge      completely        ,so they couldn’t get across.(destroy)? 6. I think it’s __________ (use) trying to talk to her because she never listens. 7.The Internet enables us to exchange ideas with other people and          (judge) our actions.? 8.      number of students were late this morning.? 9.The meeting came to      end and he set down many key points.? 10.Two-fifths of the students in our class      (be)fond of pop music.? II.完成下列句子 战争马上就要结束了。 The war would be          right away. 几年的战争让这城市破败不堪。 Years of fighting left the city          今天许多家庭开始买车,因此公路上行驶的汽车数量剧增。 Nowadays            families begin to buy cars, so the number of cars on the road rises greatly. 一个农民在一片废墟中挖掘出了一个完好的茶杯。 A farmer         a cup in good condition in a ruin. 观众爆发出阵阵喝彩声。 The audience          cheers. 句型 1. It seemed         the world was at an end! 世界似乎到了末日!          2. The chickens and even the pigs were       nervous       eat. 鸡甚至猪也太紧张了以至于不吃东西了。 3. Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,all of      agreed that it was the best one this year. 五位评委听了你的演讲,都认为你的演讲是今年最好的。 知识拓展: 定语从句 指代功能 在从句中的作用 指代人 指代物 主语 宾语 定语 配套练习: 用适当的关系代词填空 1. Do you like the present _______ I bought you yesterday? 2. The storybook _______ was written by his uncle is quite interesting. 3. The boy _______ computer doesn’t work well needs your help. 4. This is the best movie _______ we have seen this year. 5. I, _____ am your friend, will help you out. 6. The passengers and the suitcases _______ were in the waiting room had to wait for another plane. 写作情景: 1.他坐在那儿,好像什么事都没发生过。 He sat there                                    



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