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1 分类号:**** U D C:******-***-(20**)****-0 密 级:公 开 编 号:******** ***********大学 学位论文 强激光长程传输中散射效应的影响研究 论文作者姓名: 申请学位专业: 申请学位类别: 指导教师姓名(职称): 论文提交日期: 强激光长程传输中散射效应的影响研究 摘要 惯性约束聚变(ICF)通过加热和压缩燃料启动聚变反应。在ICF装置中,到达靶丸之前激光将在一段长程空气中传输,这一过程中激光将与空气中的氮气N2分子发生相互作用产生非线性散射—受激旋转拉曼散射(SRRS),其对入射泵浦光的质量和能量影响最大。为了保证激光质量和能量,实现最终的顺利点火打靶,就必须减少SRRS的影响。本文通过麦克斯韦方程组建立物理模型,研究了激光空气传输中入射泵浦光和散射斯托克斯光的变化关系,并利用仿真计算出SRRS的转化效率、阈值特性以及不同入射光强对散射光的影响。研究表明:泵浦光的传输距离和光强均会对散射光产生影响,这为抑制散射光提供了思路。 关键词:惯性约束聚变;受激旋转拉曼散射;入射泵浦光;斯托克斯散射光 1 The Research on Scattering Effect When Laser Travels a Long Distance in Air Abstract Heating and compressing the fuel is the way to start the fusion reaction up in inertial confinement fusion (ICF). In the experimental device of ICF, the laser travels a long distance in air before it reaches the target. As we know, nitrogen molecules exist in the air. It is nitrogen that leads to the stimulated rotation Raman scattering which is the most significant impact on laser quality and energy. In order to get good laser quality and energy, the bad effect needs to be reduced, and then we can ignite successfully. In this paper, Maxwells Equations are used to build a physical model to describe the relationship between pump laser and Stokes light. The changes of the scattered light are also figured out as the incident intensity changes. And we observe the changes of the pump laser energy and stokes light energy as transmission distance increases. The research shows that the scattering light is influenced by both the transmission distance and light intensity of the pump laser. The result provide us with a way to restrain the scattered light. Key words: inertial confinement fusion; stimulated rotational Raman scattering; pump laser; stokes light 1 目录 论文总页数:20页 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1引言 1 1.1当今能源的分布 1 1.2我国各能源使用比例变化 1 2 惯性约束核聚变 1 2.1核聚变的定义 2 2.2磁核聚变 2 2.3惯性约束核聚变 2 2.4惯性约束核聚变研究的发展 3 2.4.1 国际发展 3 2.4.2 国内发展与研究意义 4 3受激拉曼散射 5 3.


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