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Regen PRP 关节炎 延缓进程 难愈创面 甩除顽疾 运动损伤 一针见效 (众多知名运动员的一线之选) Regen PRP 临床应用优势 谢 谢! * * 09/01/2014 * * Primary fonction of thrombin is to catalyse the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin; covalent crosslinking The thrombin generation occurs on the surface of activated platelets that form the primary haemostatic plug. A second platelet activation mechanism involves proteolysis of glycoprotein Gp+b-IX-V complex on circulating platelet surface. Thrombin can also activates facto XI (another clotting cascade) requiring anions such as dextran sulphate. But with RegenPRP, we have a scaffold with the same main components, fibrinogen polymerise to form a mesh “the scaffold”, and platelets aggregate to reinforce the clot, delivers growths factors, in addition we have leukocyte which delivers the GF VEGF to enhance the microvascularisation and a multitude of others proteins and vitamin essentials to the new tissue formation; but in this case we have an Autologous scaffold, whish is expended on the patient wound, the patient is its own incubator… Thrombin: two receptors with overlapping functions Is abble to activate plts at concentration as low as 0.1 microM soit 0.01 U/ml, within seconds of the addition of thrombin , the cytosolic Ca2+ concentrate increase 10 fold Plt adhere to fibrinogen secrete alpha beta granules Primary haemostasis plts plug clot, secondary fibrin formation Clot haem barrier seal wound tissues scaffold location for cell migration cell diffrenciation * L’effet cicatrisant du PRP s’explique par la concentration des facteurs cicatrisants qui peuvent manquer dans certaines situations cliniques. Le PRP accélère chaque étape de la cicatrisation représentées ici. Pour l’hemostase: - Le PRP apporte du plasma (fibrinogène facteurs de coagulation) - Le PRP apporte aussi des plaquettes concentrés 3 à 4 fois qui, en combinaison avec la fibrine, et en l’absence des globules rouges, vont former un caillot particulièrement solide. Les plaquettes relarguent dan


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