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第二章 真核细胞微生物 Eukaryotic microorganism Contents 第一节 真 菌 第二节 Algae Color of Algae 一、 酵 母 菌 (四)酵母菌的繁殖 2、裂殖 少数酵母具有与细菌相似的二分裂繁殖方式 一、 酵 母 菌 (四)酵母菌的繁殖 3、子囊孢子形成 有性繁殖 子囊孢子 一、 酵 母 菌 (四)酵母菌的繁殖 3、子囊孢子形成 Why Yeast? ? Model organism: S. cerevisiae – Exhibit many fundamental phenomena of cells in other eukaryotes. – Life cycle: simple yet includes diverse features such as mitosis, meiosis, and cell to cell signaling during mating. 一、 酵 母 菌 (五) Typical species of yeasts 1、酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 酿造啤酒、白酒、洒精、药用酵母片及食品工业 可用废糖蜜培养作为酵母饲料 一、 酵 母 菌 (五) Typical species of yeasts 2、产阮假丝酵母(Candida utilis) 人类在微生物蛋白中研究得最多的酵母蛋白之一; 富含维生素B和蛋白质; 人畜可食的酵母蛋白质。 二、 霉 菌 (一)霉菌菌丝的形态构造 The filamentous fungi(丝状真菌) consists of two pats: the mycelium(菌丝体) and the spores(孢子). The filamentous fungi develop multicellular branching structures known as hyphae(菌丝), which are connected filaments of vegetative cells(营养细胞). Integrated masses of hyphae are called a mycelium. Each hypha is about 5-10 um wide. MOULD 霉菌(MOLD) ? filamentous fungi, multicellular ? Micr.: – Hypha(e)菌丝(dia: 2-10 μm): ? Mycelium 菌丝体:vegetative or aerial – Spores 孢子 ? Macr.: – Surface: Cottony/wooly/ velvety/ granular – Pigmentation 色素: from the reverse Yeasts vs. Molds Yeasts Molds uni-cellular multi-cellular non-filamentous filamentous 二、 霉 菌 (一)霉菌菌丝的形态构造 nonseptate (2)septate 二、 霉 菌 (一)霉菌菌丝的形态构造 二、 霉 菌 (一)霉菌菌丝的形态构造 二、 霉 菌 (二)霉菌的菌落特征 菌落形态较大,质地疏松,外观干燥,不透明,呈现或紧或松的蛛网状、绒毛状或棉絮状;菌落与培养基的连接紧密,不易挑取,菌落正反面的颜色和边缘与中心的颜色常不一致等。 二、 霉 菌 (三)霉菌的繁殖方式 Asexual spores are formed by the aerial mycelium (气生菌丝体)of one organism. When these spores germinate(萌发), they become organisms that are genetically identical to the parent. Sexual spores result from the fusion of nuclei(胞核) from two opposite mating strains(两性细胞) of the same species of fungus. Organisms that grow from sexual spores will have genetic characteristics of both parental strains. Asexual spores are produced by an individual fungus thr


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