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疾病特点是:表型(phaenotype)与缺陷基因之间存在确定的对应关系。 这种与表型有确定的一一对应关系的基因称为致病基因(disease-causing gene) Phenotype and the flaw gene has the definite corresponding relationships 。This gene called disease-causing gene  复杂性状疾病与疾病易感基因 Comlex disease and susceptibility gene to disease 由遗传和环境相互作用所决定的生物性状称复杂性状(complex traits) The biological character which decided by the heredity and the environment interaction called complex traits   一种基因型(genetype)可产生若干不同的表现型(phenotype) ,或相反,一种表现型可能由若干基因型所影响。 One genetype could bring some another phenotype,or one phenotype could influenced by some genetype. 基因型与表型非“一对一” genetype and Phenotype are not one vs one. 与单基因性状比较,复杂形状特点: The Characteristics of complex character compared with monogenic character 1)表型由遗传因素和环境因素共同决定 The phenotype is determined by the hereditary factor and environmental factor together   遗传度(heritability)——人群中遗传因素造成表型变异占总的表型变异的比例(单基因遗传病的遗传度为100%)。 哮喘病遗传度为80% 精神分裂症为80% 高血压遗传度为62% 冠心病遗传度为65% 糖尿病遗传度(幼年型)为75% 糖尿病遗传度(老年型)为35% 唇裂+腭裂遗传度为76% 2)遗传方式为非Mendelian遗传 在一级亲属中的患病风险一般仅为5%-15%,低于孟德尔阴性遗传病的1/4。 Non-Mendelian genetic inheritance mode 3)由多基因控制,根据功能可分为主基因(maior gene)、微效基因(minor gene)和修饰基因(modifier gene) Controlled by multiple genes 复杂性状的致病基因称为易感基因(susceptibility gene)。 多基因涉及的确切基因数目难以回答。 The the accurate gene number in which polygenes involves is difficult to reply. 易感基因的概念与单基因病的致病基因有明显区别: There are obvious differences between Concepts of predisposing genes and virulence gene of monogenic disorder 前者注重疾病的患病风险和可能性; The former pays attention to the risk and possibility of disease 后者是致病的原因所在甚至是惟一的原因。 The latter is the pathogenic reason even the only reason 基因变异与肿瘤 Gene mutation and cancer 肿瘤的形成与否取决于机体中癌基因和抑癌基因的平衡,抑癌基因突变会致癌。一些诱变剂可以特异性的诱导抑癌基因突变,导致肿瘤发生。 eg. 黄曲霉素可诱导P53基因G → T颠换,导致肝癌的发生;UV可诱导P53基因5’ -TC-3’发生C → T颠换,形成“T二聚体”,导致人类鳞状细胞皮肤癌的发生。 結語 基因组是细胞或生物体中一套完整单倍体的遗传物质的总称。The genome is a general name of the hereditary materials of a set of complete haploidin in cells or organis


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