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Food Safety Plan – Hazard Analysis Identify and Evaluate Hazards 食品安全计划-危害分析 对危害进行识别和评估 Hazard evaluation must consider: 危害评估必须考虑: Severity of illness/injury and probability of occurrence in absence of preventive controls 在缺少预防性控制时,发生的可能性和造成疾病/伤害的严重性 Environmental pathogens for ready-to-eat foods exposed to the environment 针对暴露于环境的即食食品,应考虑环境致病菌 The effect of factors on the food such as formulation, equipment, ingredients, intended use 相关因素对食品的影响,例如:配方、设备、原辅料,预期用途等 * Food Safety Plan –食品安全计划 Preventive Controls 预防性控制措施 Have and implement measures to ensure that hazards are significantly minimized or prevented. These include: 持有并实施控制措施以确保危害被显著减低或预防,这些措施包括: Process controls 过程(工艺)控制措施 Food allergen controls 食品过敏原控制措施 Sanitation controls 卫生控制措施 Supply-chain controls 供应链控制措施 Recall plan 召回计划 * Food Safety Plan –食品安全计划 Preventive Controls 预防性控制措施 Include controls at critical control points (CCPs), if any, and controls other than those at CCPs that are appropriate for food safety 包括关键控制点(如果有),以及其他对食品安全适宜的,未在CCP上应用的控制措施 Not required when hazard is controlled by another entity later in the distribution chain 若产品中的危害将在经销链下游的企业中得到控制,则在此不作要求 Disclose that food is for further processing 必须说明食品还需要后续加工(方可食用) Obtain assurances hazard will be controlled 获取危害将受到控制的书面保证 * Preventive Control Management Components 预防性控制措施的管理要素 Monitoring 监控 Corrective Actions 纠偏措施 Verification 验证 * As appropriate to ensure the effectiveness of the preventive controls, taking into account the nature of the preventive control and its role in the facility’s food safety system 要能确保预防性控制措施的有效性,考虑预防性控制措施的性质,及其在企业食品安全体系中的作用 Food Safety Plan – Monitoring 食品安全计划-监控 Facility must have written procedures, including the frequency they are to be performed, for monitoring the preventive controls (as appropriate to the nature of the preventive control) 企业必须持有书面的监控程序,包括实施监控的频率(根据预防性控制措施的性质) Monitoring must be documented in records 监控必须形成书面记录 Records are subject to general record keeping requirements 记录必须符合记录保持的通用要求



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