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How Lenovo Manages Values Difference after the Merger of IBM,战略管理论文
How Lenovo Manages Values Difference after the Merger of IBM
ABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.1 Background for Research1.2 Research Problem1.3 Research Objectives1.4 Target Respondents1.5 Unit of Analysis1.6 Thesis OutlineCHAPERTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Culture2.2 Chinese Culture2.3 Modern Practices of Confucianism in China2.3.1 Filial Piety2.3.2 Son Preference2.3.3 Kinship Network2.4 The Influence of Culture on Human Resource Management (HRM)2.5 The Impact of Culture on Individual and Organizational Outcomes2.5.1 Employee Attitudes and Perceptions2.5.2 Organizational Performance2.6 Human Resource Management (HRM)2.7 Corporate Performance2.7.1 Definitions of Performance2.7.2 Performance ModelsCHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY3.1 Introduction3.2 Subjects3.3 Procedures3.4 Selection of Respondents3.5 Data AnalysisCHAPTER FOUR: RESEARCH FINDINGS4.1 Introduction4.2 Survey Findings4.2.1 General Profile of Respondents4.2.2 General Profile of Respondents to the Questionnaire4.2.3 Cross-Tabulation of Responses to Questionnaire4.3 Interviews with Two Human Resource Managers in Original IBM sectorsCHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION ON RESEARCH5.1 Introduction5.2 Conclusion Relating to the Research Problem5.2.1 Employee Selection5.2.2 Performance Appraisal5.2.3 Employee Training5,3 Conclusion on Research FindingsCHAPTER SIX: IMPLICATIONS AND DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH6.1 Introduction6.2 Implications of Practice6.3 Limitations of Study6.4 Implications for Future ResearchREFERENCESAPPENDICES
How Lenovo Manages Values Difference after the Merger of IBMChapter One to Chapter ThreeTABLE OF CONTENTTABLE OF CONTENT?1CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION?41.1 Background for Research?41.2 Research Problem?61.3 Research Objectives?71.4 Target Respondents?81.5 Unit of Analysis?91.6 Thesis Outline?10CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW?112.1 Culture?112.2 Chinese Culture
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