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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Brief History of International Trade 1.2 International Trade Fundamentals 1.3 Introduction to International Trade Theories 1.2 International Trade Fundamentals Value of trade 贸易额(贸易值)Vs quantum of trade (贸易量) Ratio of Dependence On Foreign Trade(贸易依存度) balance of trade (BT)贸易差额 Definition:BT=∑ex -∑im a favorable balance of trade, excess of export 贸易顺差 an unfavorable balance of trade, excess of import, deficit , overimport 贸易逆差 Is huge trade surplus good or bad for a country? composition of trade贸易商品结构 trade by region贸易地理结构 visible/Tangible trade invisible/Intangible trade General trade,总贸易 Special trade,专门贸易 Terms of Trade(TOT)贸易条件 =Px/Pm*100 1.3 Introduction to International Trade Theories 1.Free Trade Vs. Trade Protectionism 2. Brief Introduction to Trade Theories TRADE THEORIES Early Trade Theories The Classical Theory of Trade 1. Absolute Advantage and the Smith Model 2. Comparative Advantage and the Ricardian Model Neoclassical Trade Theory 3. Factor Endowment and the Basic Heckscher-Ohlin Model 4. Extensions and Implications of the H-O Model 5. Specific Factor Model Modern Trade Theories 6. Imperfect Competition and Economies of Scale 7. Product Cycle 8. Demand-side Theories 9. New Development in International Economics THEORETICAL ISSUES: Why do countries trade? Gain from trade What are the bases for trade? Price differences ? Supply side (cost): Technology Factor endowment Production scale ? Demand side: Income Preference What are the impacts of trade? On price, production, consumption, and welfare What are the changes in trade pattern? Explaining the dynamic changes in trade pattern Mercantilism Time period: 1500-1750 Main ideas: Nation’s Wealth = Country’s holdings of precious metals Export is a gain (gain precious metals); import is a loss (lose precious metals) Trade is a “Zero-sum Game”: one country gain is a loss of another country Policies: Build up the
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