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第 33 卷第 04 期 2014 年 04 月 煤 炭 技 术 Coal Technology Vol.33 No.04 Apr. 2014 doi:10.13301/ki.ct.2014.04.029 Google Earth 在地质勘探中的应用 * 胡佳乐 1, 康志宏 1, 袁璐璐 2 (1. 中国地质大学(北京) 能源学院, 北京 100083; 2. 中国地质大学(北京) 地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要: Google Earth 是一款全球卫星地图集成软件,其最大特点是能够提供大量清晰度很高 的卫星影像图及三维高程信息,对地质勘探有很高的实用价值。 论文通过塔里木盆地油气勘探实 例,利用 Google Earth 对柯坪地区进行综合地质解译,并分析新构造运动对该区油气聚集的影响。 借助 Google Earth 对该区石灰窑鹰山组地层层序特征进行研究, 认为鹰山组泥质灰岩段是油气储 层和有效盖层,该段地层可能成为油气有利勘探目标。 关键词: Google Earth; 地质勘探; 卫星影像图; 地质解译 中图分类号: TE19 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1008 - 8725(2014)04 - 0076 - 03 Application of Google Earth in Geological Exploration HU Jia-le1, KANG Zhi-hong1, YUAN Lu-lu2 (1. School of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China; 2. School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: Google Earth,an integrated business software package of satellite images,its most prominent characteristic is that it can provide a great number of high-resolution satellite images and 3D elevation information,so it possesses high practical value for geological exploration. Through the example of oil and gas exploration practice in Tarim Basin, introduces how to carry out the comprehensive geological interpretation of Keping Area with the help of Google Earth,and analyzes the impact of neotectonic movement for oil and gas accumulation.Then takes the Shihuiyao Formation as the example,sequence stratigraphic characteristics are detailed studied, based on which,it is concluded that muddy limestone segments of Yingshan Formation outcrop profiles are the oil and gas reservoir and effective cap rock, and this formation may become the favorable targets for the oil and gas exploration. Key words: Google Earth; geological exploration; satellite image map; geological interpretation 0 引言 Google Earth 是 Google 公司开发的虚拟地球仪 软件,它把卫星照片、航空照相和 GIS 集合在一个 三维地球模型上,通过 Google Earth 客户端,可以浏 览全球的高清晰度卫星影像图。 因其具有地理信息 全、覆盖范围广、操作简单且免费的特点,推出之后 很快受


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