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Designed for undergraduates or bachelor-degree holders who intend to apply for graduate schools. GreatEssay留学文书写作素材表 个人陈述-本科生申请研究生院 更多信息请访问: http://www.GreatE 如需支持email至: service@GreatE 声明:对您提供不实信息导致的道德和法律问题,我司不负任何责任! 此表格是为本科生,或最高学历为本科毕业欲申请研究生院的人士设计。如果您不符合此项条件,请使用我司网站上的其它表格。 GreatE在开始撰写您的个人陈述前,需要收集以下资料作为素材,请仔细回答以下问题。 请特别注意:如果您购买的是“英文沟通”服务,则请您务必用英文撰写所有的素材。如果您购买的是“中文沟通”服务,则请您可以用中文撰写所有的素材。 建议您在完成本表格后,在原文档名称前加上您的英文名字或者ticket number或者order number再上传到ticket system,这样更有益于Editor区分,请注意重命名必需用全英文名,并不要带空格。 在完成相应的表格后,请选择购买我司的相应服务并将完成的素材表格上传至我司的专用服务ticket system系统。 The form is specially designed for undergraduates or bachelor-degree holders who intend to apply for graduate schools. If you do not meet this condition, please refer to other forms on our websites. Before we start the process of composing your personal statement, we need to have the following information that will be used as raw materials. Please answer the following questions carefully. 1 请选择您需要的文体:(用英文字母填写) 1 Please choose the style and format of your essay I would like to have the essay in the format of __A__ A Personal Statement (Recommended ) B Motivation Letter/ Statement of Purpose/ Statement of Objective/Statement of Intent C Question-and-Answer Essay D Study Plan (用英文填写)如果您有什么特殊要求,请写在这里, 否则可以进入下一步: (Please list your special requirements here) 您只能选择一个,如果您需要制作另外一个版本的同类型文件,请在 /shop-essay.html 中选择对应的服务 You can only choose one. If you wish to have another version of a different word count, please use our editing service at /shop-essay.html What is the difference between the above mentioned formats? * Personal Statement: A strong personal statement is reflective; that is, it demonstrates that you have thought about and gained a clear perspective on your experiences and what you want in your future. In the process of preparing your personal statement, you should also pay attention to the fact that some schools also need the applicant to integrate their response into several questions (see Question-and


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