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 Since my review of the new Apple iPad tablet last week, I have been bombarded with questions. This is natural. The iPad is a real computer that overlaps many functions of a laptop, but works very differently from one.   自上周我写了对苹果公司(Apple)新推出的iPad平板电脑的测评以来,读者的提问就像雪片一样飞来。这很正常。iPad是一款真正的电脑,与笔记本电脑有很多功能是相同的,不过工作方式却大不一样。   So here are answers to some of the most common questions Ive received, in hopes they may help clear up any confusion. One caveat: Apple is offering a sneak preview on Thursday of a forthcoming revision to the iPhone operating system, which powers the iPad, so some changes might be revealed.   本文中,我对所收到的一些最常见问题进行了解答,希望可以帮大家解惑。值得一提的是:苹果公司将在美东时间周四提供即将上市的、修改后的iPhone操作系统供大家“秘密预览”,iPad用的就是这个操作系统,所以届时可能会出现一些变化。   Can you print from an iPad? Apple didnt build in a printing function, so you cant just tap a menu button to print an email, photo or Web page. But a few third-party apps allow printing of some items from an iPad to a networked printer. One is Print Online. It costs $5 and I tested it successfully. But these apps are complicated and limited workarounds -- inadequate substitutes for built-in printing.   iPad能打印吗?苹果没有内置打印功能,所以你无法仅仅通过按下一个菜单按钮就打印电子邮件、照片或网页。不过,有一些第三方应用程序让你可以在联网的打印机上打印出iPad上的一些内容。Print Online就是这样一个应用程序。它售价五美元,我对它的测试很成功。不过,这些应用程序只是复杂而有局限性的办法,不能完全代替内置打印机。   The iPad lacks a USB port, so how do you get files into it? Like the iPhone and iPod Touch, the iPad has the familiar Apple connector port and comes with a cable that links this port to a USB port on a PC or Mac. Then, using iTunes on the PC or Mac, you can sync over to the device your songs, photos, videos, contacts, apps and more.   iPad没有USB端口,那么你如何把文件传输到iPad中?和iPhone和iPod Touch一样,iPad有着人们熟悉的苹果连接端口,而且有一条数据线可以把这个端口与个人电脑或Mac苹果电脑上的USB端口相连。这样,在个人电脑或Mac上使用iTunes,你就可以把歌曲、照片、视频、联络人、应用程序等同步到iPad上。   New to the latest version of iTunes is a function that will also transfer to the iPad files like Microsoft Office documents. But this feature only works if youve installed on your iPad certain progr


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