国际工程资料AS 1170.4 Earthquake actions in Australia - Worked examples.pdfVIP

国际工程资料AS 1170.4 Earthquake actions in Australia - Worked examples.pdf

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AS 1170.4 Earthquake actions in AustraliaóWorked examples R Weller Cardno ñ Central Coast, GOSFORD, NSW, Australia 2005-10-24 (Version 2) 1. Summary This paper provides a short guide and worked examples illustrating the use of AS 1170.4 Structural design actions Part 4: Earthquake actions in Australia. The examples assume that at least a static analysis has been selected, and therefore, sets out the data required to calculate the base shear. Many structures do not require this level of design effort as there are conditions for which no further work is required by the Standard. The key to understanding AS 1170.4 is that the performance of our building stock needs to take into account the unpredictable nature of earthquake activity in our low seismic environment. This approach arises from the small knowledge we have of earthquake risk in Australia coupled with the very low levels of earthquake risk we do currently expect. Therefore, the detailing requirements of the Standard are intended to provide some measure of resistance to earthquakes for all structures while the design levels for 1/500 annual probability of exceedance are intended for use mainly in the design of the seismic force resisting structural system and other components. ó ó ó ó ó ó 2. Process of designing for earthquake actions Earthquake actions are determined by considering the site hazard and the type and configuration of the structure. The Standard also provides the means for reducing earthquake loads on a structure by achieving set levels of ductility. Materials design Standards then provide detailing to enable the selected structural ductility to be achieved. The aim is to avoid collapse. This requires the structure (and indeed the whole building) to be able to deform with the earthquake and absorb energy without vertical suppo


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