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镇江市2016年中考英语试题及答案(word版) 镇江市2016年中考英语试题及答案(word版) 以下是教育城中考网我整理的江苏省镇江市2016年中考英语试题及答案(ord版),供大家参考学习。 江苏省镇江市2016年中考英语试卷 一、单项选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. That performance as ______ great success. The audience couldn t slop clapping their hands. A. aB 不填C. anD. the 2. Mr. Mu, hen did the earthquake in Wan. Sichuan happen? ______ 8.02 ______ the morning of April 20lh. 2016. A. On; inB. At; onC. At; inD. On; or 3. After quarreling, she said nothing and ran aay in the ______ direction. A. oppositeB. rightC. leftD. front 4. I called you several times this morning, but you didn t anser. Sorry. I ______ tennis the hole morning. A. playedB. is playingC. ould playD. as playing 5. ______ fresh vegetables! I myself gro them. Go to the balcony, you can see more. A. HoB. WhatC. What aD. Ho a 6. I hear that kindergartenis searching for a man teacher, especially ______ ith creation and imagination. A. thisB. thatC. oneD. those 7. Helen is a thoughtful girl. Yes. I think she is ______ plan everything ell. A. too talented toB. talented enough to C. so talented thatD. such a talented girl that 8. Shenzhou Xas ______ into space about ten days ago. It has been one of the hot topics recently. A. given upB. turned upC. sent upD. set up 9. We need to book to double rooms for the first eek in November. 一 ______ . The hotel is not busy then. A. Never mindB. My pleasureC. It doesn t matter D. No problem 10. You have joined the Singing Club, haven t you? ______ . I like singing, but I don t have any time. A. Yes. I doB. No. I don tC. Yes, I haveD. No, I haven t 11. ______ a football fan, John is looking forard to ______ the ing World Cup. A. as; atchB. for; atchC. as; atchingD. for; atching 12. He ______ dinner at restaurants last year, but no he usually es tack home after ork and cooks supper for his family. A. used to haveB. is used to haveC. as used to haveD. is used to having 13. Do you kno the pregnant oman in Zhenjiang ho caught H7N9 has got ell? Yes.


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