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xx快速路交通流时变特性分析 Freeway traffic flow analysis of time-varying characteristics 摘 要 城市交通拥挤和堵塞现象严重影响到整个城市的可持续性发展和人们的日常出行,建设城市快速路来缓解城市交通压力本是解决城市交通拥挤的重要途径。但是目前看来效果并不理想,城市快速路也经常发生交通拥挤,因此如何阻止或推迟快速路产生交通拥挤并使交通拥挤尽快消散已成为目前急需解决的问题。 基于等效通行能力的概念,文章重新定义了空间区域的流量、密度、速度的概念,并给出计算公式。利用已采集的快速道路交通流信息,合理确定时间段和快速路段,并运用空间区域交通流基本参数分析了快速道路交通流特性,并得出各快速道路路段的交通运行状态,和交通流3参数基本模型。交通流的时变特性(即交通流参数随时间变化的特性)是交通流理论研究的重要内容,研究城市快速路的时变特性可为今后快速路及整个城市路网的管理与控制提供理论基础。 本文以天津市快速路实地交通调查得到的数据为基础,绘制交通状态过程中交通流基本参数:流量、流量、时间占有率的时变图,得出交通状态中速度变化最为明显。研究认为速度变化是快速路交通流的时变特性的直接体现。城市整体规划以及城市基础性设施的建设规划对快速路存在着十分重要的影响。 关键词:城市快速路;交通流;等效通行能力;交通流基本模型; ABSTRACT Urban traffic congestion and congestion is serious impact on the citys sustainable development and peoples daily travel, construction of urban expressways to ease traffic pressure on the city is an important way to solve urban traffic congestion. But now it seems the results are unsatisfactory, urban expressway traffic jams often occur, how to prevent or delay highway resulting traffic congestion and make traffic congestion dissipated as soon as possible has become an urgent problem. The volume, density and speed of space area were defined over again based on the conception of equivalent capacity and the formulas were put forward. Making use of collected traffic flow information of urban expressway, the traffic flow characteristics of urban expressway in Shanghai were analyzed based on the essential traffic flow parameters of space area, after defining the time interval and choosing appropriate expressway sections. Then the operation situation of expressway was obtained and base models based on three basic traffic flow parameters were setup. Time-varying characteristics of traffic flow (traffic flow characteristic parameters change over time) is the study of traffic flow theory, an important aspect of urban expressway can be time-varying characteristics of the future highway and road network throughout the city to provide the management and control theory basis. In t



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