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辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计 第 PAGE III页 PAGE 四辊冷轧机压下系统设计 摘要 轧辊调整装置的作用主要是调整轧辊在机架中的相对位置,以保证要求的压下量、精确的轧件尺寸和正常的轧制条件。压下装置也称上辊调整装置,它是用途最广的一种轧辊调整装置,安装在所有的二辊、三辊、四辊和多辊轧机上,就驱动方式而言,压下装置可分为手动的、电动的、和液压三类。本论文介绍了轧机的发展历史和未来,介绍并分析了轧机的几种压下形式,列举了其各自的优缺点以及各种压下形式的工作原理。首先通过实习和所查资料确定设计方案并进行方案评述,根据实际情况选择了电动压下方式。其次根据所给定的基本参数计算轧制力以及选择电动机容量,设计压下螺丝和压下螺母并进行强度和刚度校核;选择轴承并进行寿命校核,设计蜗杆传动和减速器中的齿轮传动,并进行环保性和经济性分析等。 关键词: 冷轧机;电动压下;压下螺丝;蜗杆传动;齿轮 Design on Pressure System of Four-roller cold rolling mill Abstract The role of roller adjustment device to adjust roll mainly the relative position in the rack to ensure that the requirements reduction, precise size and normal rolling Rolling. Reduction device, also known as the roller adjustment device, which is the most widely used as a roller adjustment device, installed in all of the two rollers, three rollers, four rollers and multi-roll rolling mill, the drive mode, the pressure device divided manually, electric, and hydraulic three. This paper describes the history and future of the mill, rolling mill introduced and analyzed several pressure form, listed with their respective advantages and disadvantages, and various forms of pressure works. First of all, to find information through the established practice and the design and conduct programs reviewed, according to the actual way to choose a power reduction. Second, according to the calculation of basic parameters of a given choice of rolling force and motor capacity, design pressure once again screws and screw down nuts and check the strength and rigidity; choice for life bearings and check the design of the worm drive and gear box transmission, and for environmental protection and economic analysis. Key words: cold rolling mill; electric pressure; pressure nut; worm; Gear 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 绪 论 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 国内外研究成果 1 1.3 课题研究的内容 3 2总体方案设计 4 3 压下电机的选择 6 3.1 轧制力的计算 6 3.1.1 第一道次的轧制力计算 6 3.1.2 第二道次的轧制力计算 7 3.1.3 第三道次的轧制力计算 9 3.1.4 第四道次的轧制力计算 10


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