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XX城市地铁的网络的规划与布局 Tianjin city rail transit network planning and layout 摘 要 根据XX市经济、社会发展现实和我国轨道交通建设的实际状况,XX市的轨道交通建设已经滞后于XX市的发展,全面启动XX市的轨道交通建设,并尽快形成一定规模,缓解XX市经济社会发展对XX市交通带来的巨大压力,将是关系XX市经济社会可持续发展的重大战略选择。XX市属于我国百万人口以上的特大城市,XX市的城市定位为京津冀地区中心城市。同时,XX在现状城市规模与远景城市规模之间存在较大差异,随着经济发展和城市化进程,XX规划远景规模将继续增大。在这样的城市构建轨道交通线网,其线网模式选择必须适应XX市未来可能的巨大变化。 关键词:轨道交通 线网规划 客流测试 结构形态 规模匡算 运输能力 评价 Abstract With the development of society and according to the present situation of Tianjin economy and the actual status of the railway transportation construction in our country, the railway construction in Tianjin is now falling behind the social development of Tianjin ,Building the railway in Tianjin in full swing, trying to reach a certain scale and alleviating the heavy stress which the transportation system is now suffering brought by the rapid development of the economy and society will be the critical strategy for the sustainable and social development in Tianjin,Tianjin is one of the big cities who have population over 1 million people. The orientation of the city is to be the central city of the region.At the same time, theres a big difference between the current situation of Tianjin and its future vision.With the development of economy and urbanization process,the scale of the planning vision of Tianjin is getting larger and larger.In a city like this,doing the construction of railway transportation system,the road lines network mode has to adapt to the possible dramatic changes in Tianjin in the future. Keywords:Rail Transportation Line network planning Passenger flow test Structure form Length scale Transportation capacity Evaluation 目 录 TOC \o 1-4 \h \z \u 第1章 绪论 1 1.1XX城市定位及轨道交通发展史 1 1.2 研究目的和意义 1 1.3 XX市行政区划 2 第2章.XX城市轨道线网特征分析及评价 5 2.1 网格式轨道线网 5 2.2 无环放射式轨道线网 7 2.3 有环放射式轨道线网 8 2.4 XX城市轨道线网结构特征 10 2.5 XX城市轨道线网规划评价 11 2.5.1 评价指标的选取原则 12 2.5.2 评价指标的体系 13 第3章 XX市线网功能结构形态研究 17 3.1 概述 17 3.2 XX市快速轨道交通在城市交通一体化中的作用 17 3.3


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