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题目:论企业组织内部的沟通与激励 论文摘要 企业是个有生命的有机体,而沟通则是体内的血管,通过流动来给组织系统提供养分,实现机体的良性循环。管理沟通相比人际沟通与商务沟通具有特殊性。管理沟通,不论是上下级之间的沟通还是同级之间的沟通,最终都是为了公司经营目标的实现。然而很多领导好的想法、有创见的建议、完善的计划、及完美的激励方案却无法实现、难以收到好的效果。因此,本研究意在说明沟通对企业的重要性,并通过沟通是激励理论在指导实践时的辅助工具、有效的内部沟通是制定激励方案的保障两方面来说明,沟通能有效的激励员工;指出从转换身份、用激励性的语言与员工沟通、加强非正式的沟通、语言的艺术性、建立信任的氛围五个方面,使领导能更好、更有效的与员工沟通。 关键词:管理沟通 激励 企业 发展 Abstrarct The enterprise is a living organism, while communication is the blood vessels in the body, through the flow to the organization system to provide nutrients, realize the benign loop. Management communication in interpersonal communication and business communication is special. Management communication, whether it is between the upper and lower levels of communication is the communication between, final it is to achieve the goal of company management. However, many of the leading good ideas, creative, planning, and perfect the incentive scheme cannot achieve, difficult to get good result. Therefore, this study is intended to communicate the importance to the enterprise, and through communication is the incentive theory in practice when the auxiliary tool, effective internal communication is developing incentive program protection two aspects to explain, communication can effectively motivate staff;It is pointed out that conversion status, with the incentive of language and communication, strengthen informal communication, language arts, build trust in five aspects, so that the leadership can be better, more effective communication with employees. Keywords: Management communication Excitation Enterprise Development 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u 一、管理沟通对企业发展的重要性 1 (一)沟通就是现代企业管理的核心、实质和灵魂 1 (二)管理沟通影响着企业的规模大小 1 (三)管理沟通是实现企业战略目标的关键 2 二、加强内部沟通能有效的激励员工 3 (一)沟通是激励理论在指导实践时的辅助工具 3 (二)有效的内部沟通是制定激励方案的保障 4 三、领导如何更好的、有效的与下属进行沟通 6 (一)转换身份从不同角度考虑问题 6 (二)用激励性的语言与员工沟通 6 (三)加强非正式的沟通 7 (四)语言的艺术性 7 (五)建立信任的氛围 8 参考文献: 9 第 PAGE 8页(共9页) 论企业


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