新概念英语第一册113 114课 课件.ppt

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Lesson 113 Small change 单词学习 conductor n. 售票员 fare n. 车费,车票 change v. 兑换 note n. 纸币 passenger n. 乘客 none pron. 没有任何东西 neither adv. 也不 get off 下车 tramp n. 流浪汉 except prep. 除…外 conductor [k?n‘d?kt?] n.售票员, They are conductors. The conductor is very handsome. The tramp is homeless. passenger [p?sind??] n.乘客 tramp [tr?mp] n.流浪汉 指挥 fare [fε?] n.车费,车票 taxi fare train fare Jimmy is absent from school. except [iksept] prep.除……外 Everyone is here, expect Jimmy. - We like playing basketball. - Expect us. Review new words note fare note 1) n. 纸币  bill(Am) 5英镑纸币 a five-pound note 用钞票付款。 Pay in notes. 2) n. 便条 留言 leave a note 3) 笔记,备忘录,记录(通常用复数形式) 课堂 中 学 生们正忙着作笔记。 The students are busy taking notes in class. fare 1)n. 车费,(交通工具的)票价 出租车费 a taxi fare 到罗马的票价要多少钱? How much is the fare to Rome? 2) n.(出租车等的)乘客 那个出租车司机那晚仅载了3个乘客。 The taxi driver had only three fares that night. change v. n. change [t?eind?] (Lesson59 )What else do you want? I want my change. (1) n. 零钱 (2) v. 改变 我想改变发型。 I want to change my hairstyle. (3) v.兑换(钱) 你能把这10英镑的钞票换开吗? Can you change this ten-pound note? change 1) v. 兑换(钱),换零(钱) 我想把10美元的钞票换成零钱。 I’d like to change a ten-dollar bill. change…into… 这里可以把英镑兑换成美元吗? Can I change pounds into dollars here? 2) v. 改变 她改变了主意。 She’s changed her mind. 我们换个话题吧。 Let’s change the topic. 3) n. 零钱,找零 你可以留下零钱,不用找了。 You may keep the change. conductor tramp passenger 售票员:请买票! CONDUCTOR:???? Fares, please! 男 子:请买一张到特拉法加广场的票。 MAN:?????????? Trafalgar Square, please. 售票员:对不起,我找不开10英镑的钞票。您没有零钱吗? CONDUCTOR:???? Im sorry, sir.? I cant change a ten-pound note. Havent you got any small change? fare is payment for a trip on a


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